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the good thief was Dismas and the bad thief was Gestas

AnswerThey were crucified in the same way as Jesus.

After being properly scourged they were nailed to their crosses. No pain and humiliation was saved to them. Dismas' cross was put on the right side of Jesus, while Gestas was crucified on Jesus' left. However, scripture does not name them and any names ascribed to them were later inventions.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

To my knowledge there is not anything mentioned about the two unfortunates who hung beside Christ. What is important is the message he gave to the one.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

judas was a very bad man

the thief steal

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Q: Information on two thieves crucified with Jesus?
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Two thieves

Who was crucified along with Jesus?

The scriptures only give reference to two thieves who were crucifies along side Christ. This was done so that the answer to one of the thieves could be know by all. That of there being different degrees of glory in heaven to which all mankind will be asigned to one.

How did jesus's life end?

Jesus was crucified on a cross next to two thieves on a hill called, Golgatha.

Why were the two thieves crucified?

Crucufixion was a common form of execution. We do not know the specific charges against the criminals who were crucified with Jesus. There was nothig special about them; Jesus was crucified as a common criminal.

Did Jesus died before the two theives on the cross?

According to the Bible, Jesus died before the two thieves who were crucified with him. This is commonly referred to as the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.

Who else died with Jesus?

Two thieves were crucified with him, one on his right and one on his left.

Where in the bible can read about thieves hanged with Jesus?

There is nowhere in any translation of the bible where you will read about Jesus being hanged with thieves. However, you can read about Jesus being crucified with two robbers (thieves) in Matthew 27: 38.

Where in the bible do it say Jesus was crucified with thieves?

See Matthew 27: 38 - "Two robbers were crucified with him, one on his right and one on his left".

Why were two other people crucified with Jesus?

For theological reasons, Jesus had to be crucified between two common thieves to show the actions of the Jews by disregarding Jesus' teachings deserved the anti-Jewish sentiment that lasted nearly 2000 years. Only those who committed high treason were crucified: thieves were not crucified. One of the blatantly historical mistakes in the gospels.

Two people next to Jesus during crucifixion?

Two criminals or thieves were crucified next to Jesus. According to the Gospels of Matthew and Mark, these two individuals were also mocking Jesus while they were being crucified.

How many people were crucified alongside Jesus?

According the the Christian gospels, two other men were crucified with Jesus. These two men are variously described as thieves, criminals or rebels. Some fundamentalist Christians interpret the Gospels so that there were four men crucified with Jesus because of the different ways in which the men are described and because they take the Bible absolutely literally. So because one gospel says two "criminals" were crucified with Jesus and another says two "thieves" were crucified with Jesus there must have been four. Most people dismiss this and interpret the gospels more sensibly as there being only two other men crucified with Jesus.

What is family background of thieves who were crucified with Jesus?

AnswerThe Bible tells us almost nothing about the two who were crucified with Jesus. John Shelby Spong (Jesus for the NonReligious) tells us that the story purporting to describe the crucifixion of Jesus has been built on narratives from Hebrew scripture, crafted to identify Jesus with messianic images familiar to the readers of the Hebrew scriptures, and designed for liturgical use. He says that there were no thieves crucified with Jesus, penitent or otherwise. So, there is legitimate doubt as to whether there really were two thieves. Either way, we can not say what their family background was.