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They had to meet the requirements set forth in ITim.3:1, etc.

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Q: How were bishops commissioned to continue the work of the apostles?
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What links Jesus to the holy orders?

Jesus is often seen as the model for those in holy orders due to his role as a spiritual leader and teacher in Christianity. The sacrament of Holy Orders is a way for Christian ministers to continue the work of Jesus by serving as priests, deacons, or bishops in the Church. The act of ordination is believed to bestow special powers and responsibilities on those who receive it, similar to how Jesus commissioned his apostles to spread his message.

Who are the bishops?

the people that work alongside the bishops

Where do Catholic bishops work?


Who continues the work of the apostles today?

All the Christian churches are continuing the work of the apostles.

Do the bishops work for the pope?

Bishops work for their dioceses but are under the guidance and leadership of the pope. There are bishops in Rome who are assigned various offices in the Vatican as part of the curia who may work directly for the pope. Many of these are cardinals.

Does the Bishop of Rome continue Peter's mission?

A:The Catholic Church considers the pope to continue the work and mission of Peter because Christian tradition says that Peter went to Rome and became the first bishop of Rome, appointing Linus as his successor, with subsequent bishops appointed continuously down to the present day. This continuous succession from an appointment made by Peter himself was important to the church of Rome in claiming primacy over all other Christian bishops. However, Francis A. Sullivan SJ (From Apostles to Bishops) says that there is a general agreement among scholars that the church of Rome was led by a council of presbyters until well into the second century, with no evidence of a ruling bishop. It is therefore no longer possible to say that the pope is literally the successor of Saint Peter, nor that he uniquely continues the work of Saint Peter, whether or not he actually visited Rome.

What kind of work did the the apostles do before Jesus choose them to be apostles?

Most were common fishermen.

How did the church leader Irenaeus help bring about the rise of the pope and the Roman church?

Irenaeus claimed -that the Apostles had appointed bishops as their successors, -that these successors had in turn appointed successors of their own, -and that much (if not all) of the authority of the Apostles had therefore been passed down in an unbroken line to the bishops of his day.

Do Bishops and Cardinals in the Catholic Church get paid?

Yes. It is a job. Most have other responsibilities too, as most cardinals are bishops, so they would be paid.Catholic AnswerMost Cardinals are bishops, although some are priests. Cardinals do NOT get paid for being a Cardinal, they continue in whatever job they that had before being appointed cardinal and are paid for that job. For instance, if they are a bishop of a diocese, then they continue to receive their salary as a bishop. If they work in the Curia, then they continue to receive their salary for that. Being a cardinal has no bearing whatsoever on their pay, and they are not paid for being a cardinal.

Why did Michelangelo sculpt the 'Pieta'?

A cardinal commissioned him to do this work.

Who commissioned donatellos work.?

The goldsmith workshop and the townspeople

What does comissioned mean?

The definition of commissioned means money paid to a person or group for a service or piece of work. Artists are often commissioned to make art work for people.