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they had taught different things and it can also be different religion

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Lewis Treutel

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3y ago
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15y ago

Lutheranism let ministers lead congregations while Calvinism let the Council of elders govern each church. Lutheranism taught salvation by faith alone and Calvinism, God has predetermined who will be saved. Both Lutheranism and Calvinism taught that The Bible is the sole source of revealed truth. Lutheranism, worship service focused on preaching and ritual. Calvinism , worship service focused on preaching. Both Lutheranism and Calvinism are believers interpret the bible for themselves.

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10y ago
Catholic AnswerCalvinist is the rather depressing philosophy of John Calvin, its main points are summed up in T.U.L.I.P.:

Total Depravity (also known as Total Inability and Original Sin)

Unconditional Election

Limited Atonement (also known as Particular Atonement)

Irresistible Grace

Perseverance of the Saints (also known as Once Saved Always Saved)

All of which makes the Biblical and Catholic doctrine that one must work out their salvation with fear and trembling as rather pointless, including the judgment scene by Christ in the latter half of Matthew 25, starting at verse 31. Catholicism has always taught that man was created by God as essentially good (read Genesis), that he has a fallen nature which makes him vulnerable to concupiscence, but that with God's grace he may overcome this. That is what Baptism and the other sacraments are all about, God's grace strengthening us; a grace that we can either cooperate with or deny. Christ died for ALL men, and thus atonement is for all, but it is up to each of us to cooperate with His Grace. I think the main point in which Calvin fell was in understanding the doctrine of predestination. We must understand that God is eternal, and thus is not bound by time. He is, as it were, outside of time. Time only came into existence when He created us and the material world, and will end when the world ends. From God's point of view, He can see our death before He even made us, thus He knows our end before He created us, thus we are predestined for that end, the main difficulty being that predestination does NOT deny human free will. Thus His predestination takes our free will into account. Calvin denied free will, thus making man an automaton. Without free will though, we would be unable to freely love God, and thus our choosing God would be meaningless, as would our loving Him. There have been numerous theories as to how to reconcile free will with predestination, and all of them have failed, as St. Paul says, we cannot understand it (Romans 11:33); Calvin, apparently thought that he was smarter than St. Paul, and Jesus Christ, and thought that he could understand it, making a mockery of Christ's death for us and our free choice to love Him and accept that salvation offered us. Personally, I have never in my life heard of a more repugnant idea than that of Calvin's saying that God created some men predestined for hell, completely negating the fact that God is love.

In practice this works out to the puritan/protestant work ethic, as the only way that you can know you are one of the "saved" is if you are materially blessed in this world, thus Calvinists did all kinds of horrible things, like kill all the Indians (because they were not "saved") - this is why all the surviving Indian tribes in the Americas are only in areas that were settled by Catholics, while the protestants wiped them out - they even made a gift of smallpox infected blankets to one Northeastern tribe as they knew they had no immunity. Plus protestant cultures tend to be more capitalist as they are harder workers at this world, instead of the next.

from Modern Catholic Dictionary by John A. Hardon, S.J. Doubleday & Co., Inc. Garden City, NY 1980

The religious system introduced by John Calvin (1509-64), French reformer, in opposition to the doctrine of the Catholic Church on the meaning of humanity's predestination. In the Calvinist system, as a result of Adam's fall, man has no longer any internal freedom of the will; he is a slave of God. Everyone is eternally predestined, either for heaven or for hell, absolutely independent of his personal efforts. Consequently the elect cannot be lost. The basic principles of Calvinism are set for in the Institutes of the Christian Religion, where Calvin argues that, since God is absolutely infinite, He is the only real agent in the universe and creatures are merely his instruments.

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7y ago

they had taught different things and it can also be different religion

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12y ago

I dont

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They were known as the 95 Theses, you may view them at the link below.

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