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An angel came to Joseph in a dream and warned him to take his family to Egypt immediately as Herod was looking for the child jesus.

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Q: How was the family warned that someone wanted to kill Jesus?
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How were the family warned that someone wanted to kill Jesus?

An angel told Joseph in a dream that Herod wanted to kill Jesus.

To what country did the family escape to after they were warned of thedeath threat to jesus?


Who warned Jesus to flee to Egypt?

Here Jesus was not warned to flee, but the angel warned Joseph in a dream.

Who warned the magi and jesus's foster-father that the king wished to harm the baby?

It was the angels that warned the wise men.

Where was Jesus present soon after birth?

A:In Luke's Gospel, Jesus was taken son after birth to the Temple in Jerusalem, on route to the family home in Nazareth, Galilee. On the other hand, in Matthew's Gospel, the baby Jesus remained at the family home in Bethlehem until after the arrival of the wise men, when Joseph was warned to take Jesus to Egypt, for fear of King Herod.

What country did Mary Joseph and Jesus go to?

Shortly after Jesus was born, his family fled to Egypt to escape King Herod who wanted to kill Jesus because he felt he was a threat to his power after Jesus was called "The King of Kings".

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Where did Jesus hide from Herod?

God warned Joseph in a dream to take Mary and Jesus to Egypt to avoid the wrath of Herod.

Who wanted Jesus arrested?

The jews wanted Jesus to be arrested and brought him before Pilate.

If you are muslms and you wanted to change to Catholic then what will happen to you?

Your family might be a bit annoyed, but nothing will happen to you. Muslims believe in Jesus too.

When was Mary Never Wanted Jesus created?

Mary Never Wanted Jesus was created in 1983.

Did everybody wanted Jesus to die?

Jesus was loved by many people. It was the priests and Pharasees that wanted to get rid of Him.