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Makkah established during prophet Ibraham time about 4000 years ago

Prophet Ibraham and his son Ishmael built Al Kaaba there in compliance with God orders

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Q: How was mecca founded?
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When was the place Islam was founded?

Mecca in Saudi Arabia, in 610 AD.

When was Muslim founded in Asia?

... the religion's name is not Muslim, it's Islam, and yes, it was founded in Medina/Mecca, which is in Asia Minor

When was mecca founded?

Mecca was found when the Prophet Ibrahim with his wife and his son was traveling ,prophet Ibrahim leave them at place at the desert that was empty from food and water, his wife try to find water so she go from safa to marwa seven times then zamzam was created and around this place became good place to live , finally it became Mecca

What geographic region was Islam founded?

Islam per Quran God revelation to prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was founded in Makkah (or Mecca) in Saudi Arabia.

Did Guru Nanak visit Mecca and Kaaba for Hajj?

Baba Guru Nanak founded Sickism that combines the rituals of Hinduism and Islam. He did visit Mecca and many other places.

Where is Mohammad's the founded of Islam hometown?

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was born in Mecca. And he didn't found Islam; God did.

What clan was responsible for the foundation of Mecca?

first prophet Abraham (PBUH) went to mecca and left his wife and his son Ismael (PBUH) in mecca and backed to Journalism and Ismael and his mother founded mecca. at first there were no water and was only desert. by a miracle the ZamZam spring started with water and until now this spring is giving water. today Muslims drink this water as a holy water. this water amazingly is different of all waters. Japanese professor emoto did some research about this water.

Why was hajj such a popular holy place?

Hajj is a pilgrimage to Mecca. It is a must that a Muslim go there once in a lifetime. Mecca is the holy place form the Muslims because it was the city where Muhammad founded the new religion called Islam.

When was mecca established as the central islamic city?

Mecca was estabkished before Prophet Muhammad was born under the religion of islam it is said that islam has no beginning nore end and so if mecca is the start of islam im assuming its the same way

Is Islam an indigenous African religion?

A:No. Islam was founded in Mecca and Medina, in what is now Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia is in south-western Asia.

Where Muhammad live?


Where did Islam develop?
