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Basically, He died for us.

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Q: How was Jesus body broken for us?
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Why is supper to do with holyweek?

It shows us that the body of Jesus was broken and his blood shed for us sinners.

Why do christians eat bread and drink wine on Sundays?

to remind us that jesus's body(the bread) was broken and his blood(the wine) was pilt to save us from hell and give us salvation for free.

What is the memorial present to us the sacrifice of Jesus?

Jesus' body and blood in the form of bread and wine at Eucharist

What Is The Body Of Jesus?

The definition of BODY is the entire material or physical structure of an organism, especially of a human or animal.We can easily understand the definition of 'Jesus Body' from the above - Jesus body is a group of followers of Jesus Christ includes all denominations, all nations.

The meaning of body and blood of Jesus Christ?

the body is the body of jesus and blood is jesus blood... ! :))

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Since Jesus was considered the "good shepherd", the shape is symbolic of he shepherd's staff. the colors, red and white, represent Christ's blood which was shed for us and the white could be his body which was broken for us, or it could also represent the purity of Christ.

Why does the Altar remind Christians of the sacrifice Jesus made on the Cross?

it is where the eucharist is prepared. At the last supper, Jesus broke bread and used a metaphor to explain to all gathered that he isn't going to be around for much longer and that he is a sacrifice - "This is my body broken for you" "This is the cup of everlasting life". Then he told us to "do this in memory of me". So every mass we do.

Is it the human body of Christ or His ressurected body that you receive?

In the Bible, In Matthew, it reads:Matthew 26:26 And as they were eating, Jesus took bread, and blessed it, and brake it, and gave it to the disciples, and said, Take, eat; this is my body.This was done before the crucifixion. It's logical to conclude that it was His pre-crucifixion body that was intended. Elsewhere in the New Testament it reads:Luke 22:19 And he took bread, and gave thanks, and brake it, and gave unto them, saying, This is my body which is given for you: this do in remembrance of me. ...and...1Corinthians 11:24 And when he had given thanks, he brake it, and said, Take, eat: this is my body, which is broken for you: this do in remembrance of me.His resurrected body was never given for us nor broken for us, whereas His pre-crucifixion body was.

Did Jesus heal only physical body or did he heal spirit?

By heal the spirit, do you mean a person's broken heart and contrite spirit? I believe that Jesus Christ, when he was on the earth, not only healed the sick, but I think he lifted the hearts and minds of the people to bring them happiness and joy. I think the same is true today. The atonement of Jesus in not only to pay for the sins of the repentant person, but He is also willing to take our sorrows, worries, concerns, and broken hearts. If someone has wronged us, we give the sorrow and pain for that action to Him so that we are free to forgive.

Who unites us all in the one body of Christ?

We are actually under the direction of God the Almighty. Jesus is in subjection to his father. Then Jesus is the head of the Christian congregation.

When did Jesus change into his blood and body?

Jesus was born with a body and blood.

In Christianity what is Eucharist?

Eucharist, also known as the Lord's Supper or Communion, is when a church eats bread and wine in the memory of Jesus's Last Supper. He broke the bread and said it symbolizes His body, broken and torn because of our sin. The wine represents his blood, shed for us.