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God wanted His people of the northern kingdom to turn back to Him because they had begun to worship false idols and other gods. The people became very unfaithful to God and were very wicked. God loves us and is very patient with us.

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All Prophets are called by God. You may read of Hosea in the 1st chapter of the Book of Hosea.

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To free Israel from sin.

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Q: How was Hosea called to be a prophet?
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If this is releted to the DT Quick xword the answer is Aaron who was the brother of Moses not Hosea

What prophet was married to a harlot?

God told the prophet Hosea to take a wife who is a harlot. He then drew parallels between the faithlessness of his wife and the faithlessness of the Israelite people in his prophecies to the nation.

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Hosea does not have a feast day as he is from the Old Testament.

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The prophet Hosea said "Out of Egypt I called my son." This prophecy is found in Hosea 11:1 and is later referenced in the New Testament in Matthew 2:15 in relation to Jesus' return from Egypt.

Who was the prophet that was forced to marry a harlot?

Hosea was the prophet who went and married a harlot.

Who was prophet hosea?

Hosea was a prophet to the Northern Kingdom. Israel split into two kingdoms, the northern was still called Israel, the southern was called Judah. He prophesied "during the reigns of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz and Hezekiah, kings of Judah, and during the days of Jeroboam the son of Joash, king of Israel"

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Of the lot of prophets mentioned Hosea is a minor prophet.

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Who are the main characters in the book Hosea?

The main character in the book of Hosea is the prophet Hosea, who is called by God to marry a prostitute named Gomer as a symbol of God's relationship with unfaithful Israel. Through Hosea's personal experiences and prophetic messages, the book explores themes of love, betrayal, forgiveness, and restoration.

Who said the Messiah would be taken out of Egypt?

The prophet Hosea at Hosea 11:1 says: "When Israel was a child, I loved him, and out of Egypt I called my son." We can find the fulfillment at :Matthew 2:15

Who married gomer?

In the Bible, the prophet Hosea married Gomer, as instructed by God as a representation of God's relationship with the unfaithful nation of Israel.