The Question asks: "When was 'ADAM and EVE' created?"
There is no reference to their children in the question.
Regarding Adam and Eve:
Different scholars have calculated different dates for the creation of Adam and Eve, but they are all in the same range, a couple of hundred years either side of 4000BC.
- 3895 BC (Dr Stephen E. Jones),
- 4004 BC (Bishop Ussher, perhaps the best-known),
- 4169 BC (Barry Setterfield)
However, it is unknown whether this dating actually marks the beginning of man from the time of the 'fall' of Adam and Eve, or whether it includes their time in the Garden of Eden following the very moment and day of their Creation.
In other words, we do not know how long they existed in Eden before they succumbed to the serpent's temptation.
This is an interesting question. Judging from The Bible, it would appear that at the time of their creation, they were old enough to be sexually mature, but young enough to live a further nine hundred and thirty years.
Other answers from our community:
This charming myth requires no time constraint, for in our personal timeframe, until one exists, time only commences from that point. Bishop Ussher did a study about this during the Middle Ages and as he checked, if you look at the descendants of Adam and Eve to Jesus, seeing their ages and deaths, Adam and Eve was created about 4000 BC.
Adam (A.S) was created two thousand year after the creation of angel and after the creation of earth.
The book of Genesis didn't date any of its events. But the world has seen numerous attempts to date the events of the entire Hebrew Bible. One such dating method was devised by James Us[s]her [January 4, 1581-March 21, 1656]. Us[s]her included among his dates an exact month/day/year for the Creation, as the night before October 23, 4004 B.C.E. But subsequent scientific advances and discoveries have ended up putting that date as much earlier and therefore much further back in time.
The book of Genesis doesn't give month/date/year information for its events. Instead, events may be dated after the fact by the known dates of events that appear in other historical records. Or the events may be dated by the known dates of astronomical, geological or oceanographic events. For example, a worldwide flood on the order of Noah's has been dated to some time between 4000 B.C.E. and 2800 B.C.E. But in the case of Adam and Eve, the couple's existence only can be guesstimated at this point. For example, they may have been created between the end of the Ice Age [12,000 B.C.E. - 8,000 B.C.E.] and the beginning of the Stone Age [8,000 B.C.E. - 3,000 B.C.E.].
The book of Genesis actually didn't specify where Adam was created. It just said that God created the first man from the ground, and breathed air into the man's nostrils [2:7]. It then went on to say that God placed the first man to the east, in Eden [2:8]. So Adam evidently was created somewhere to the west of Eden.
Eve was created after Adam. Presumably, the creation took place in the Garden of Eden. Adam already was living and working at tilling and keeping up Eden's plants. God decided that Adam needed a helpmate. The first solution to Adam's loneliness was the divine creation of wildlife, in Genesis 2:19. The second and final solution was God's creation of Eve, in Genesis 2:21-22.
The Bible provides a string of genealogies that can be linked together, from Adam down to Moses. Using this and other passages, such as that the Exodus from Egypt occurred 480 years before the fourth year of Solomon's reign, Bishop Ussher came up with the answer that Adam was created in 4004 BCE, about 6020 years ago.
According to Genesis, Adam lived for 930 years - until about 3074 BCE. However, it can also be shown that the ages of all the great men from Adam down to the Patriarchs were based on numerology, in elegant series using the magic number 17, not history. For example the lifespans of the first five generations:
Name .......... Lifespan Pattern
Adam ......... 930 ....... 7x9 + 51x17 [3x17x17]
Seth ............ 912 ....... 5x9 + 51x17
Enos ........... 905 ....... 8x9 + 49x17
Cainan ....... 910 ....... 6x10 + 50x17
Mahalalel .. 895 ....... 5x9 + 50x17
With this information, we can realise that no one ever lived to such great ages and then either prove that Adam and Eve were created thousands of years later than 4004 BCE or that the tradition is no more than a legend.
Adam and Eve were created by Jehovah (God).
There are no opposite names for Adam and Eve. The Bible outlined the order in which they were created. Adam was created first, then Eve.
God created Adam and Eve.
No Adam and Eve were not there by accident, they were created by god, Adam from the clay and Eve from one of Adams rib.
Adam and Eve were first. They were the first people God created. Noah was a decendant of Adam and Eve.
No, there was only one Eve, the original Eve that God created as a companion for Adam in the Garden of Eden. There was no other Eve before her, hence the term is used that Adam and Eve are the Parents of all Man kind.
God created Eve with Adam's rib.
Eve didn't have a mother, she was created out of Adam's side (Genesis 2).
Adam and Eve became one, as Eve was created from one of Adams ribs.
ADAMAdam-eve was made from adam Adam was first created by God from the dust of the earth, after seeing Adam was lonely, after naming all the creature of the earth, air and water, God created Eve from Adam's rib. Adam and Eve. They were created at the same time.Genesis 1:27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.
God created Adam in His image, and then God took one of Adam's ribs out and made Eve
Hawaa. Eve