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establishing systems to monitor, audit and enforce ethical standards


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Q: How to establish a system to monitor audit and enforce ethical standards?
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The primary responsibility of ensuring that ethical standards are adhered to within a business rests with?

Managers monitor employs to ensure they are being ethical. When they find that they are not, they report them to the human resources department.

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The EPA was set up under President Nixon to monitor this issue.

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World Trade Organization

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The Assembled Congress had the right to establish and monitor the postal system in individual states.

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Yes it is required for a company to monitor its agents cos the are the face of the company and they are the people who represent the company.

What are techniques to enforce the EO program policies ssd2?

To enforce EO program policies, you can utilize training sessions to educate employees, establish clear expectations through policy documentation, monitor compliance through audits or assessments, and hold individuals accountable for any violations through disciplinary actions. Communication, training, monitoring, and consistent enforcement are key techniques to ensure compliance with EO program policies.

Created in 1934 what cntinues to monitor the stock market and enforce laws regarding the sale of stocks and bonds?

That would be the Securities & Exchange Commission, or SEC.

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Employ and train hotel cleaning staff and monitor that they do what they should to keep the hotel clean to international standards.

What is a personal gas monitor?

There are differences in standards that are required for both because of the distance that each will reach. A personal gas monitor area is a smaller range than a gas detector. A detector will notify you when there is an amount of gas in the air that is minute and it takes a higher amount to set off the monitor.

Which would be a responsibility of the World Trade Organization?

Monitoring international trade agreements would be a responsibility of the World Trade Organization.

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A VGA box is a video converter that allows the display of common analog video standards on a VGA computer monitor.