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Q: How the eucharist is administered?
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What is Viaticum and why is it important in the Sacrament of Anointing of the sick?

Viaticum is the Holy Eucharist as administered to those who are dying or in danger of death. It is usually administered during the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick. However, if no priest is available for the anointing, an Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist may provide the Eucharist to the person but they would be unable to anoint the person or hear their confession.

What is a culmination of your initiation to the Church?

Roman Catholic AnswerThere are three sacraments of Initiation into the Church, they would be Baptism, Confirmation, and the Eucharist. For an adult coming into the Church, or an infant in the Eastern Rites, the culmination is the Eucharist, all three are administered together in these two instances with the Eucharist being the Culmination. In the Latin Rite, confirmation would be the Culmination as you would receive it last.

Who can administer communion?

Once the Host has been consecrated by the priest, it becomes the Body of Christ. After consecration, the Eucharist is administered by either the priest, the deacon, or trained Eucharistic Ministers.

The way in which Mass is a sacrament?

Mass is a sacrament in that Holy Communion is created through transubstantiation and administered to the Catholics present. Without the Eucharist portion of the mass, it is simply a ceremony or service without a sacrament.

What are the seven sacraments that were administered by the Medieval Church?

1. Baptism 2. First Eucharist 3. First Reconciliation 4. Confirmation 5. Marriage/Ministries 6. Final Judgement 7. Annointing of the Sick

Is Eucharist a proper noun?

Eucharist is a noun.

What is the host of the Eucharist?

The bread is the host of the Eucharist.

What is the great amen in communion or the eucharist?


How is eucharist related to holiness?

The church says that the Eucharist is the body of Jesus, so in essence, the Eucharist is holy

Can bishops give the eucharist?

yes, they can give the eucharist.

What do you call a person that hands out the Eucharist?

If it is not a priest, the it is a minister of the Eucharist.

What does the Liturgy of the Eucharist begin with?

The Liturgy of the Eucharist begins with the Offertory.