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not if the people really love each other then they can work through their dilemma.

When you find someone you really connect with, then working through your differences (ex. Religion) is worth it. The most important thing is to be able to talk with each other about it openly and neither person should feel like they have to agree. It's good just to listen to the other side sometimes. Besides, when did things (or people!!) that are worth it ever come easy anyways?

Oh hell yes it can be a problem, when a deeply religious person dates a non believer then many problems can occur such as one person tries to convert the other and many others. Think about what is important to yourself.

Our you serious? Yes, religion can be a problem in a relationship - look and the problems it causes all over the world! It all depends on how serious you take your religion. Even with in the christian faith - Catholics do not recognize divorce as the end of a marriage and do not recognize marriages that take place outside the church. Religion is a very important part of people's family's and traditions. Do you hunt Easter eggs - well your Jewish boyfriend may not. How will you raise your children? Do you celebrate Christmas - well a Jehovah witness may not. Those tradtions are part of what makes us who we are and that is important too - you need to open and honesty about the importance religion plays your life and in your family's life (some religions do not marry outside the faith and if you think the obstical of his/her faith is big wait until you are dealing with his/her parents faith and what they think is best.

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13y ago
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13y ago

Religion brings families closer together.

Or it can tear them apart. Religion, as with any other social aspect of life, needs to be kept in perspective.

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11y ago

Yes. Often two people of different religions disagree about important issues like child rearing.

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