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Q: How old was the prophet during the hijrah?
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Who try to kill Prophet Muhammad during the hijrah?

Suraqah Ibn Malik

What is the second year of Hijrah?

The second year of hijrah is the second year after the prophet muhammad (pbuh) migrated from makkah to madinah.

What happens when the Prophet Muhammad reaches madinah?

it became hijrah

Give you a sentence for hijrah?

Hijrah is the Islamic concept of migration, specifically referring to Prophet Muhammad's migration from Mecca to Medina in 622 AD, which marks the beginning of the Islamic calendar.

.was the one who tried to kill the Prophet Muhammad during hijrah?

abu lahab ,abu jahl ,suraqah ibn malik i think abu lahab

An example of forgiveness from the life of holy Prophet Muhammad?

when he forgives the kafir Meccan as he took back Mecca after hijrah

History of eid?

Eid is on the ninth month of the Islamic calendar which started when Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) did hijrah

Where was the 1st mosque built?

The first mosque was built in Quba. This is a place near Madina and Prophet Mohammed (Peace be upon him) where prophet made a brief halt before entering the city of Madina during Migration (Hijrah). Later, a mosque was constructed and was called as Masjid Quba.

How old did the prophet die?

On counting, it was found do be nearly 63 when Prophet Muhammad died: He received Allah's revelations at 40 years old, Stayed in Makkah calling for Allah for 13 years, Left Makkah to Al-Madinah "Hijrah", and stayed in it 10 yrs till he died. from that we find that the period from Prophesy till his death is 23 years.

What best describes the term hijrah?

The term hijrah refers to the migration of Prophet Muhammad and his followers from Mecca to Medina in 622 AD. This journey is significant in Islamic history as it marked the beginning of the Islamic calendar and led to the establishment of the first Islamic state in Medina. Hijrah also symbolizes a shift from persecution to a period of growth and development for the early Muslim community.

Major events in prophet muhammad's life?

Some major events in Prophet Muhammad's life include receiving the first revelation from God through the Angel Gabriel, migrating from Mecca to Medina (known as the Hijrah), conquering Mecca, and delivering his farewell sermon during his last pilgrimage. These events were pivotal in shaping the development of Islam and the Muslim community.

What does the word Hijrah mean?

It means "flight" (as in fleeing), in the sense of moving or emigrating. The capitalized form Hijrah or Hijra refers to the departure of the prophet Muhammad from Mecca to Medina (622 AD) to avoid persecution in his teaching of Islam. Two years later, he and his followers defeated Meccan forces at the Battle of Badr.