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Q: How old was Joseph when he was sold?
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Who was sold into slavery by his brothers in the Old Testament?

Joseph was sold to potiphar who was the second most important besides the pharoah

How old was Benjamin when Joseph was sold?

Benjamin was a young child when Joseph was sold by his brothers. The exact age is not specified in the biblical account.

Mary husband is he the same Joseph that was sold?

No. The Joseph that was sold into slavery in Egypt was a son of Jacob in the Old Testament. The Joseph who married Mary, the mother of Jesus was born just prior to the New Testament era. We know very little of him, except he believed in God.

Is Joseph the father of Jesus the same Joseph that is Jacob's son that was sold into slavery?

No, the Joseph who was sold into slavery in the Old Testament is not the same Joseph who was the father of Jesus in the New Testament. The Joseph in the New Testament is known as Joseph of Nazareth or Joseph the Carpenter, while the Joseph in the Old Testament is known as Joseph, the son of Jacob.

How old was Joseph when he was sold into slavery?

According to the Bible, Joseph was 17 years old when he was sold into slavery by his brothers.

What text type is Joseph sold by his brothers old testament?

The story of Joseph being sold by his brothers can be found in the Old Testament in the Book of Genesis. It is considered a narrative or historical text within the context of the Bible.

Who was the man sold into slavery by his brothers?

The man who was sold into slavery by his brothers in the Bible was Joseph, the son of Jacob. Despite his misfortune, Joseph eventually rose to a position of power in Egypt and was able to reunite with his family.

Was Rachel alive when Joseph was sold into slavery?

Yes, Rachel was alive when Joseph was sold into slavery. Rachel was Joseph's mother and she died giving birth to Benjamin, who was Joseph's younger brother.

What did Joseph's brothers do with him?

they sold him

How old is Joseph Paur?

how old is Joseph paur? how old is Joseph paur?

When Jacobs son Joseph was sold How much was he sold for?

20 pieces of silver - (Genesis 37:28) Then there passed by Midianites merchantmen ; and they drew and lifted up Joseph out of the pit, and sold Joseph to the Ishmeelites for twenty pieces of silver: and they brought Joseph into Egypt.

Who was sold into slaverly by his brothers?
