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Several assumptions are necessary to answer this question. Most historians date the completion of Herod the Great's temple restoration to 37 BC. Assuming Jesus' birth in 3 BC, again as presented by many historians and Biblical scholars, and his ministry beginning when He was about 30 years old per the Gospel of Luke the cleansing of the temple happened about 27 AD or 64 years after the completion of Herod's temple.

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Q: How old was Herod's temple when jesus cleansed it the first time?
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How old was Jesus when he cleansed the temple?

This was after his triumphal entry into Jerusalem, which was shortly before his death, at 33.

Was jesus king herods son and was his mother herods daughter?

No, Jesus was not King Herod's son. Jesus' mother was Mary, who was not related to Herod. Jesus was born in Bethlehem to Mary and Joseph, and Herod the Great was the ruler of Judea at the time of Jesus' birth.

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Jesus quoted Isaiah 56:7 and Jeremiah 7:11 while cleansing the temple. He referred to Isaiah when he said, "My house shall be called a house of prayer," and to Jeremiah when he said, "But you have made it a den of robbers."

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If you are referring to the two times Jesus 'cleansed the temple' by driving out the sellers and overturning their tables, (John 2.15 & Luke 19.45), he did this according to his objection when he said in Luke 19.46," Saying unto them, It is written, My house is the house of prayer: but ye have made it a den of thieves."Additional perspective:The gospel accounts suggest that Jesus had at least two objections to what was taking place at the temple. First, the exchange of money and the sale of animals for sacrifices was going on inside the courtyard of the temple. Second, the phrase "den of thieves" implies that inflated prices were being charged. Both were in violation of the Law of Moses.

Why Did Jesus Clear The Temple?

A:All the gospels agree that Jesus cleansed the Temple, overturning the tables of the moneychangers and the seats of those who sold doves, because they had made the house of his father a den of thieves. The synoptic gospels (Matthew, Mark and Luke) place this event at the very end of his ministry as the trigger for the arrrest of Jesus. John's Gospel uses the miracle of the resurrection of Lazarus as the trigger for the arrest of Jesus, and so moves the cleansing of the Temple to the beginning of the mission of Jesus.

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Jesus was presented in the temple to the priest Simon, as he was dedicated there.

What was the name of the temple where Jesus was found at the age of twelve?

Jesus was found in the temple in Jerusalem, known as the Temple of Jerusalem or the Temple of Solomon.

Why Jesus choose King David' temple?

Because both Jesus and King David were a prophet who have acknowledge of several holiest place. A: There was never a King David's temple, the first temple was built by king Solomon after David's death. In Jesus' time the Jews worshiped at Herod's temple that stood in the place of Solomon's temple that was destroyed by the Babylonians hundreds of years before.

When did the Lord first come to the temple at Jerusalem?

According to the Bible, the Lord first came to the temple at Jerusalem during the reign of King Solomon. The temple was completed around 957 BC.

What year was the first bass guitar ever used?

2BC, jesus used it in the temple