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Q: How old was Abraham when he had his son Ismael?
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What is the character of ismael as in the bible?

Ismael is the son of Abraham, born to his slave Hager.

Who is the son of Abraham that Islam is connected to?

Prophet Ismael (peace be upon him). The older son of prophet Abraham (peace be upon him).

Who prepare the map of khana kabba?

It was rebuilt by Prophet Abraham and his son Prophet Ismael.

Who is the first son of Abraham?

Isaac is the legitimate son of Abraham and his heir. He also fathered Ishmael by his wife's servant girl. All of his descendants are considered sons of Abraham, and Christians consider themselves adopted children of Abraham due to Christ. Isaac

Who is ismail?

There are several people of that name, but you're probably thinking of Ishmael, the son of Abraham. In Jewish tradition, Ishmael was Abraham's first son but Isaac, his second, was his favorite. In Muslim tradition, Ishmael was the favorite son. This is understandable if you know that Isaac is considered the father of the Hebrews (Jews) and Ishmael the father of the Arabs. _______________________________________________ Both Abraham's sons; Ismael and Isaac; are favorite to prophet Abraham 9peace be upon them all). However, Ismael was the oldest son and helped prophet Abraham in rebuilding Kaaba. Ismael is grandfather of Muslims (not Arabs) as well as Isaac is the grandfather of Jews

What happened to Ishmael in the Bible if the Muslim claim of Isaac and Jacob is true?

The muslims believe that Ismael is the real son of Abraham a, and not Isaac.And Mohammad is the line of Ismael.

Who does Muslims look to as being their link to Jew and judaism?

Muslims trace their ancestry through Abraham's son Ismael. Jews trace their ancestry through Abraham's son Isaac.

How is the prophet muhammad related to ishmael?

The prophet Mohammad is a descendant of Abraham son Ishmael.

What does Islam call the binding of Isaac?

Actually, Muslims believe that it was Ismael, Abraham's son by Hagar, whom he tried to sacrifice. I think that's what they call it: The sacrifice of Ismael.

Is the correct spelling Ishmael or Ismael?

Ismael and Ishmael are different names and have different meanings. Ismael see from Ismael(Ysfael, Osmail) (6th century), Welsh bishop. According to the Life of Oudoceus he was the son of Budic. Ishmael see from : Ishmael in the Bible Son of Abraham and hagar.

Who was the one who was entrusted by Allah to to build the KA'ba?

Al-Kaaba was built by Ibrahim (Abraham) & his son Ismael (Ishmael) peace be upon them.

Who was the father of Issac in the bible?

Isaac was the only son of Abraham and Sarah. Genesis 21:2, 3: So Sarah became pregnant and then bore a son to Abraham in his old age at the appointed time God had promised him. 3 Abraham named his newborn son, whom Sarah bore to him, Isaac.