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This depends on the employment laws in your state and what position they are hiring for. Most retail stores don't want to hire anyone under 18 because they can't legally work as many hours and can't work late nights. Stores also recognize that people 18 and older generally need the money more because they have homes and families to take care of. Finally, many customers believe that older sales associates give the store a more professional appearance, especially at a store like Deseret Book, where the items are marketed to adults and families, not teens.

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What is Deseret Book's population?

Deseret Book's population is 900.

What is the population of Deseret Book?

It is not possible to provide an exact population figure for Deseret Book as it is a bookstore and not a residential area. Deseret Book is a company that operates bookstores in various locations.

What was the name of the present day Utah?

Deseret from the Book of Mormon meaning honeybee.

What is deseret finally?

The word 'Deseret' is defined by the Book of Mormon as honeybee. (See Ether 2:3) Deseret was the name of a territory or state proposed by the Mormon pioneers, which covered parts of modern day Utah, Idaho, Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada, and California. In pioneer times, the word Deseret was almost used synonymously with the word Zion - it was the home of the Saints. Deseret was also used to name things of Mormon origin, such as the Deseret Alphabet or the Deseret News. Today, Deseret is still used in the names of companies or organizations affiliated with the Mormon Church, including Deseret Book, Deseret Industries, Deseret News, and Deseret Transportation.

When was Deseret Book created?

Deseret Book was created in 1866 in Salt Lake City, Utah by the Deseret News, which is the oldest continuously published daily newspaper in the United States. It was originally established as a bookstore and publishing company for materials related to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

What does the word Deseret have to do with the Mormon religion?

The word Deseret is found in the Book of Mormon and supposedly means Honeybee. Early Mormons adopted this word and the symbol of the beehive to represent their industriousness - they were busy, hardworking, and highly organized, just like bees.The Deseret title can still be found on many things related to or owned by the church such as Deseret News (a Mormon-owned newspaper), Deseret Industries (a Mormon owned thrift store), and Deseret Book (a Mormon book store).

What words did the book of Mormon contribute to the English language?

Most of the unique words in the Book of Mormon are proper names. These words are not in common use in the English language, aside from a few cities and towns which were founded by Mormons and given these names. For example: Nephi, Lehi, Cumorah, Manti, or Moroni. The word "Mormon" comes from the Book of Mormon, and is probably the most used unique Book of Mormon word in the English language. Another unique word in the Book of Mormon is 'Deseret' which means honeybee. The word Deseret is often used in businesses or organizations owned by Mormons or the Mormon church - for example, Deseret Book, Deseret Industries, Deseret Ranch, and Deseret Transportation.

Where can the Deseret Book company be found?

The Deseret Book company can be found all over the western United States. Specifically, they have stores located in Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, New Mexico, Oregon, Nevada, Utah and Washington.

What state did the Mormon pioneers name Deseret which is Mormon for honey bee?

The state of Deseret, proposed by Mormon pioneers, covered much the area that is now Utah, Idaho, Wyoming, Colorado, Nevada, and Arizona. "Mormon" is not a language, so deseret is not 'Mormon' for honeybee. Deseret is one of the few non-English words found in the Book of Mormon, where it is defined as honeybee.

What companies are controlled through the LDS?

Do you mean 'What companies are controlled through the LDS?' If so. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints oversees the Deseret Management Corporation. This is a parent company for their for-profit ventures. The companies under Deseret Holding (and in turn the LDS Church) are: Deseret Property Management: owns and rents real estate, mostly in downtown Salt Lake City. Deseret Book: a religious book store Deseret News/Deseret Digital/KSL: a local newspaper, website, and tv station in Utah Bonneville International: owns several radio stations throughout the US (in LA, Chicago, Washington DC, Seattle, Phoenix, St. Louis, Cincinnatti, and Salt Lake) Beneficial Financial: life insurance company (currently being phased out) Temple Square Hospitality: operates reception centers and restaurants on Temple Square. They also operate some non-profits, such as Deseret Ranches and Farms, Deseret Transportation and Deseret Industries. Check out the "Related Links" to go to the website of Deseret Management Corporation.

When was Fort Deseret created?

Fort Deseret was created in 1865.

When was Deseret Industries created?

Deseret Industries was created in 1938.