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Scarlet appears 208 times in the King James version.

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Q: How often does 'scarlet' appear in the Bible?
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Where is this comes often in the bible?

In the King James version the phrase - comes often - does not appear at all

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Satan appears 56 times in the King James Bible. See the related link.

What book was the last color in the bible found?

The last color mentioned in the Bible is scarlet. It is referenced in the book of Revelation, in Revelation 17:3, as part of describing a scarlet beast.

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The word "jasmine" does not appear in the Bible.

What does scarlet mean in the Bible?

In the Bible, scarlet is often used to symbolize sin and wrongdoing. It is also associated with royalty and wealth, as seen in references to Jesus being dressed in scarlet robes before his crucifixion. Additionally, scarlet is mentioned in the context of purification rituals and sacrifices in the Old Testament.

Does the word bonus appear in the bible at all?

No. Unfortunately it does not appear in any Bible.

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In the King James version the word - carbon - does not appear at all --- Note: The word may appear in other versions/translations ---

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A scarlet clad woman is a phrase used for a woman who is a prostitute or harlot. It was first used in Revelations in the Bible.

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The word 'gessure' does not appear in the Bible, neither does it appear in the Oxford Dictionary.

How many times does the word catholic appear in the bible?

The word "catholic" does not appear anywhere in the bible.