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Jews are supposed to pray three times a day, and 4 times on Saturday. However, these prayers can be said anywhere.

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Q: How often do Jews attend service?
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How often does Judaism attend services?

Religiously observant Jews pray three times a day and 4 times on Saturday. Although these prayers can be done in a group service, it is not a requirement.

Do Jews have to attend church?

Well you don't have to I mean no one's forcing you to but if you're a Jew it's probably the right thing to doAnswer:Jewish places of worship are called synagogues. We are supposed to attend; and religious Jews do so. Other attend less often.

How many times a week do Jews visit the synagogue?

Two answers. Number of services: There are 3 services each day (morning, afternoon, and evening) with additional services following, without interruption, the morning service on Shabat and holidays. Going to synagogue: Observant Jews will try to go to synagogue twice-a-day every day (14 times-a-week); the evening service follows the afternoon service (usually after a brief instructional period) so the person does not leave the synagogue. Put another way, once in the morning and once in the afternoon/evening.

How many Jewish students attend Texas Christian university?

There are 847 Jews that attend tcu

Can Catholics attend a penance service?

Yes, Catholics may attend a penance service and are encouraged to do so.

What were the Jews not allowed to do in the early 1900s?

attend certain colleges

Can a Christian attend a Jewish funeral?

Most religiously observant Jews will not attend any service held in a Christian church. Depending on the Jewish holiday, most Jews, of any observance level, would not attend a service held in a Christian church.

Can a non Jew attend an orthodox service. If the visitor is circumsized does it make a difference?

Yes, non-Jews attend Orthodox synagogue services all the time, usually as an invited guest to an event. If you wish to attend a religious service at an Orthodox synagogue, you might want to contact the synagogue's rabbi first to determine the best time to attend. As for being circumcised or not, it doesn't make a difference as male circumcision is only a concern for Jewish males. As non-Jewish person can't participate in a Jewish religious service anyway, being uncircumcised is a moot point.

Did Anne Frank attend Montessori School for Jews all her life?

Anne attended for eight years. And it is not Montessori School "for Jews". Montessori Schools are and always have been for anyone who wants to attend

When do Jewish people go to synagougues?

Religious Jews go to synagogue daily. Shabbat, the Jewish Sabbath starts Friday at sundown and ends Saturday at sundown. Many Jews that don't always attend daily, will attend services Friday night and Saturday. There are also certain holidays where even more Jews will attend services.

Can anyone attend a Shabbat service?

Anyone can attend a Shabbat service. Sometimes people need a different perspective in order to answer the questions they are seeking. As long as you are respectful of the service, I dont see any reason why someone could not attend.

What year did anne frank attend montessori school for Jews?

In 1941.