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Roman Catholic AnswerNormally, a Cardinal, as such, as no power over a Bishop. They are both Bishops. The only thing that distinguishes a Cardinal from an ordinary Bishop is that a Cardinal can elect the new Pope.
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Q: How much power does a Cardinal have over a Bishop?
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What is the difference between a village priest and a bishop?

A village priest has no real power beyond his little bit of his church. A bishop has much more power over the priest, but not as much as a cardinal. To put it in a business way. The priest is the worker, the bishop is a manager, the cardinal is a Vice president of the company, and the Pope is the CEO.

Do Bishops of the Catholic Faith answer to a Cardinal?

Under Western Canon Law a Bishop would only answer to a Cardinal: 1) if the Bishop is an auxiliary bishop and that bishop's ordinary happens to be a Cardinal (e.g., when Bishop Fulton Sheen was auxiliary Bishop of New York he answered to His Eminence Francis Cardinal Spellman, Cardinal Archbishop of new York) 2) if the Bishop is dealing with any Cardinal in the Roman Curia in an office that has authority over him (e.g., if a Bishop is dealing with the Congregation of Bishops)

Who outranks a bishop?

The highest holy order is bishop, so bishops, archbishops, cardinals and popes are all bishops. However, in terms of rank, an archbishop is higher than a bishop, a cardinal is higher than an archbishop, and a pope is higher than a cardinal. The Pope appoints the cardinals, and cardinals appoint a pope. They are different things, and sometimes the same. An Archbishop is usually just the bishop of an Archdiocese. He may or may not be a Cardinal as well. A cardinal is not necessarily even a priest, although that is very uncommon in modern times, we still do have a number of cardinals who are appointed for one reason or another who are not bishops, and do not wish to be made bishops. They are not one higher than another, a Cardinal is just someone who has been honored with the responsibility of voting for the next Pope.

Where Cardinal live?

Cardinals are found in many environments over much of North America, especially in the east.

What is the population of the northern cardinal all over America?

The cardinal is an abundant species, numbering in the millions.

Where did Pope John Paul ii live during his career?

Pope John Paul II worked as a priest, then bishop and cardinal in Poland. When he was elected pope he then worked for over 26 years in Vatican City.

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the had a lot of power over the peasants.

Who has the power of juisdiction in the Catholic Church?

The Pope is the temporal leader of the Catholic Church, and a Bishop has power over a small portion of the world [called a Diocese], but he must ultimately answer to the Pope.

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A "dioceses" is a section of land that the bishop presides over.

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Has power over the council

How did the Investiture Controversy limit the power of the Holy Roman Emperor over the Church?

The Emperors power was limited because if the king chose a good bishop he would be knowned in a good way nope

What is the bishop?

a bishop rules over a diocese, or group of churches within a certain area