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Instead of gifting someone with money it would be nice if you can give any religious gifts like a Bible, Rosary, statue of Jesus Christ or Virgin Mary or some religious books which helps increase faith.

If you really want to go with money, depending on your relationship with the person and where you live. This should be per person not per family Family friends :10-30 Cousins : 20-40 Aunts uncles: 50-100 God parents/ Grandparents 100+ Sponcer: A watch or necklace and possably some money equaling to about 300-400 You can add more or less depending on how close you are to this person and your financial situation.

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If you are close to he/she give them $50 if you are not give them about $30.

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Nothing is given to the priest or bishop. Confirmation is a normal part of their duties.

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