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None! Most of the Biblical Laws were given through Noah who was the father of the Summerians, Akkadians, Hittites, Nubians, etc. Anthropologically we have discovered that some things are innately sensed to be just wrong (murder, rape, stealing, etc.,) because God has placed a witness in every person (a measure of faith and a conscience). Archaeologically as well as Anthropologically we have discovered that all peoples everywhere naturally believe in some form of God, gods, higher power or intelligent force or something. People are wired to be spiritual until they are taught otherwise. Thus...atheists are made not born!

The Bible however is unique in some respects because many statements made by God about the nature of Creation are confirmed by science and these were impossible to be known or conjectured by the ancients at the time of the writing. For example, that the Universe and thus time (which is a function of the Universe) had a beginning. That there were deep recesses in the bottom of the oceans or that there were paths or fountains through seas, or the entire hydraulic cycle, or that the earth is spherical (translated by the KJV as the word circle - Isaish 40) and is suspended in space on nothing, or that light moves, or that the earth and the Sun travel along a circuit, and on and on....

Even the resurrection story (claimed to be borrowed by some) is not borrowed - see Edwin Yamauchi's Easter: History, Hallucination, or Myth

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Q: How much in the bible is borrowed from other religions?
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