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Q: How might the problem of evil and suffering lead one to the conclusion that moral absolutes exist?
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What is the atheistic existentialist view on death and suffering?

Suffering and dying exist. Existentialism has no part in atheism.

What suffering is there in the world?

One of the main suffering is 'Slavery'. It exists in poor countries like Africa and India. How can say it does not exist?

Where did evil come from and why is there suffering in the world?

A:In philosophy, this is called the problem of evil and suffering. Evil must come from somewhere, but if God is all-powerful, all-knowing, all good, and the sole creator of the world, then why is there evil and suffering? The problem can only be resolved if at least one of these propositions is false. Therefore if God is all-powerful, he is either not all-knowing and is therefore unaware of all the evil in the world, or he is not all-good and is unconcerned about all. Evil and suffering exist because at least one proposition of religion is false.

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God does not exist drawing a conclusion that that is a myth!

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Humans are a sociable animal. We are not meant to exist in total isolation without suffering mental instability.

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Eating it and hanging yourself?

What is the atheistic existialism on sufferring and dealth?

We believe both suffering and death occur, so that means they exist.

How do you say a problem exist?

Problème existent

If there is a god why does he allow suffering when he is said to be omnipotent?

He gave his creation free choice this is his will. Some have chosen evil and that is why suffering exists. The parable of the weeds and the wheat discusses why God allows evil to exist.

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A failure to co-exist in a habitat.

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How can evil spirit be cured If someone is suffering from evil spirit or black magic?

No, scientifically these are not recognised to exist so they can not be cured.