Miracles are shown in God's Love; but, to those who have faith and hope inside. Then those miracles come from God and strengthen our faith in ourseleves. FOR You NEED to have faith, real faith and not give up on it or those miracles don't come, they don't create, they don't strengthen us; meaning, we don't see them. We don't feel them. We don't find them; because were not connected to the energy that makes those miracles. Most of us in the world we give up too easily on faith, even the littlest hope. If you DO HAVE faith miracles will come; but, we ususally have to wait patiently for them from God even if it takes awhile or so; but, they will come and they WILL strengthen your faith.
Sometimes it takes people to see something to believe it. Miracles that people witness in action helps others strengthen their faith and helps others grasp a faith.
Have Faith in him he is not real
in the Christian faith, he is the son of god
A true Christians faith is a gift from God, buildings should not have anything to do with it.
not believing in christ and holding steadfast in your beliefs
Miracles are real, maybe some Christians haven't realized it yet, but Christians can join together and by Christian faith can pray forth miracles or cast out diseases and infirmities. The miracles are from God, not from the people, but by faith healings can happen.
They were such a vast undertaking that they stood as clear evidence that large numbers of people took their faith seriously.
A Christian pilgrimage is meant to help the believer to strengthen their faith and learn more about Christianity. Also, the Christian seeks to have a personal encounter with Jesus.
Christians believe that those who leave the Christian faith will go to hell. Of course, those who have left the faith believe otherwise, believing that the Christian hell does not really exist.
"Faith" in a religious context usually means something like believing without evidence. This is often proclaimed to be a virtue; I strongly disagree, since this is NOT a good way to find the truth. Also, in response to the question, I strongly doubt that faith will have any influence on whether miracles occur or not.
If Our Lord worked any miracles through Faith, there is no record of them.