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If I remember right its 7 years

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Q: How many years is the Tribulation Period in revelation?
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Will the church have to go through the tribulation?

The 'tribulation' is a fringe notion largely developed in the nineteenth century by John Nelson Darby, a British evangelical preacher and founder of the Plymouth Brethren. It is not a doctrine of most of the major Christian denominations, so on that view the church will not experience the tribulation.

For how many years the revelation to reach the prophet?

Along 23 years.

How many pages does Tribulation Force have?

Tribulation Force has 450 pages.

What is the difference between post tribulationist and pre tribulationist?

These two words are used in the description of when the "Rapture" will occur. Some believe pre- or before the tribulation and others post- or after the tribulation. There is a world of difference between the two positions which can not be discussed in this space.

For how many years did it take the revelation to the prophet?

Muhammad received the first revelation by the angel Gabriel in the year 610, which means he started receiving revelations during the Jahiliyyah period. There were a series of revelations from that point on. However, there are no specific dates. He received a second revelation in the year 613 "angel Gabriel asked him to preach to the people"

What does the Bible say about the tribulation?

Much will happen. Those who follow this particular theology expect the rise of the antichrist, the worlds last dictator (Revelation 13:16-18/14:9-11) to be the first event. He's probably out there somewhere today, maybe a young guy, maybe an adult (read 1 Thessalonians chapter 4 and 2 Thessalonians chapter 2). The US may fall during the final period of Revelation (pray for the US). Prophecy says that China/Russia have a sneaky plan for the USA. Australia I expect will see an Asian invader at sometime towards the end and Christs Second Coming. I expect this to be China at the end of the endtimes, so say many visons and prophecies to the Christian churches of Australia (the sins of the Australian people the reason God Will allow it). You can read Revelation chapter 6 onwards, but, as with all of Revelation its somewhat unnerving. If we keep our eyes on Jesus we do well. Pray frequently. And don't freak if strange things happen sometime in the future. My pastor has a good attitude. He says that the tribulation is all about God getting mans attention. Sort of God saying "hey you guys...stop that bad behaviour...and listen to me". The great hope is that God Will take His people home before the tribulation starts (this is the rapture of the church, engage a study on the rapture, as in 1 Thessalonians chapter 4).

What is the tribulation period?

It is a period of intense suffering under the rule of the Antichrist. To be specific, the Great Tribulation is the last 3 and 1/2 years of the 7 year tribulation period. Here, Satan has already surfaced and is living in the Antichrist´ś body. This is also where he will introduce The Mark. The mark bears the number of the Beast which is 666 as mentioned in the Book of Revelation. Anyone without the mark will not be able to trade or buy or sell anything. Be warned that when you take the mark it is similar to accepting and worshipping the Devil himself. Tragedy will strike the Earth like it never did before during the Great Tribulation. Many will die. The people that will be left here has two choices: Either they worship the Beast and succumb to the desires of their flesh or they submit to God and endure. False prophets will come and do great miracles and perform signs saying that they are sent or is the Messiah. Do not be deceived for their power comes from the enemy.

Can you please explain to me what is tribulation?

Tribulation refers to a state of suffering, distress, or trouble. It can be associated with difficult or challenging experiences, often seen as a test of endurance or faith. Tribulation can be physical, emotional, or spiritual in nature.

Will believers go through great tribulation?

A:The 'Tribulation' is a theological invention of John Nelson Darby, founder of the Plymouth Brethren, in the nineteenth century. The Great Tribulation is the last half of Darby's seven-year Tribulation period, three and one-half years in length. Although few people belong the the Plymouth Brethren Church, many Protestants do believe in its founder's most enduring theological creation, the Rapture. This has helped popularise the fictional book series, Left Behind. .Barbara R. Rossing (The Rapture Exposed) says that according to one critic, the Rapture and the Tribulation had their origins with a young girl's vision. In 1830, fifteen-year-old Margaret MacDonald attended a healing service, where she was said to have seen a vision of a two-stage return of Jesus Christ. The story of her vision was adopted and amplified by Darby. .The belief that Jesus will come again was not new, and Christians have always taught that Jesus will return to earth and that believers should live in anticipation of his second coming. Darby's new teaching was that Christ would return twice, first in secret to "Rapture" his church out of the world and up to heaven, then a second time after seven years of global tribulation for non-believers, to establish a Jerusalem-based kingdom on earth. However, some modern proponents of the Tribulation saw what they felt to be flaws in Darby's scheme and delayed the Rapture, either to midway through the Tribulation, or even post-tribulation. In Darby's original scheme, believers would not go through the tribulation, but in the post-tribulation scenario, they would experience the entire tribulation period, including the 'Great Tribulation'. .It is one thing to predict the tribulation or the great tribulation, but it is an entirely different thing to demonstrate that it will ever happen. The Tribulation has no genuine biblical support, so there is no good reason to believe there will ever be the Tribulation taught by Darby, or a Great Tribulation. They make good reading in a fiction series, but should otherwise enjoy the same obscurity that John Nelson Darby now does.

How many years did it take to form the written Bible?

The writing of the Bible was done over a period of more than 1600 years with the first book Genesis being completed around 1513 B.C. to the book of Revelation in 96 A.D.

If you start to believe in god in the middle of the seven year tribulation will you make it to heaven before the seven year tribulation ends?

Deutoronomy 4:30-31 Many of people are going to turn to the Lord because they will wake up and know the truth. But as far as 7yrs tribulation no such thing it will be 31/2 yrs according to Revelation 12:14 ,11:2,13:5 and Daniel 7:25,12:7... Even during the time of his wrath you can come out.Because he calling you to come out of her but people wont repent .Revelation16:9,18:4...... Revelation 7:3-4,9-10. Thank you and i hope this can help.

Why were the years the israelites spent wandering the desert important?

The number 40 in the Bible means a period of trial or tribulation, the Israelites had to wander the desert for 40 years. They were often hungry and thirsty. Since the Israelites had been imprisoned under Egyptian rule, many still worshipped pagan religions, and so they had to be taught about God.