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Q: How many years did it take the Israelites to reach the promise land?
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Why did the Israelites need 40 years to reach Canaan?

Technically, they didn't. The delay was imposed by God, because the Israelites weren't sufficiently confident in God's promise to help them take the Holy Land (Numbers ch.13-14). See also:The complaints in the wilderness

How long did it take for the israelites to resch the promised land?

It took the Israelite a total of 40 years to reach the promised land.

Who did enter the promise land?

The children of the Israelites who were brought out of Egypt.

Who were the original people from Egypt made it to the promise land?


Why did Joshua led the israelites to the promise land?

Because Moses had died.

Did Miriam go into the promise land?

No, Miriam did not go into the promised land. According to the Bible, she died and was buried before the Israelites entered the land of Canaan.

Where does God promise to send the israelites?

God promised to send the Israelites to the Promised Land (Canna, or Palestine). They walked 40 years in the desert with Moses (though he never made it to the Promised Land, he died when they could see it in the distance and Joshua took over).

What city was the permanent residence for the Ark of the tabernacle after the Israelites entered the Promise Land?

The city was Jerusalem.

Who was the first to enter the promise land?

According to the Bible, Joshua was the first to lead the Israelites into the Promised Land after Moses died.

Who let the Hebrews into the promised land?

Moses led the Israelites through the desert for more than 40 years, but it was actually Joshua who led them into the Promise Land because Moses had disobeyed God and was forbidden to enter.

When the israelites were at least settled in the promise land they were first of all ruled by judges prophets or priests?

That answer would be...Judges!!

Where was the promise land of the isrealites and how did they return there?

The promised land of the Israelites was Canaan, the land that God had promised to Abraham and his descendants. The Israelites returned to the promised land after being led by Moses through the Exodus, where they wandered in the desert for 40 years before finally entering Canaan under the leadership of Joshua.