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Q: How many years between job and Jesus?
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How much time passed between Job and the birth of Jesus?

One thought:It is believed by many that the flood took place around 2370 BCE and that Job lived around 700 years AFTER the flood, making it 1670 BCE. Jesus was most likely born around 2 BCE, so Job would have lived about 1,668 years before Jesus.

Did jesus get paid for his job?

Here which job sre you asking, if it is his three years ministry he did not get paid for that.

How old was Jesus when finished his job on earth?

Some claim that Jesus was 33 years old when finished his job on earth and raised to the Heavens, though no one really can know for sure.

Why did Job doubt Jesus?

Job and Jesus are never mentioned together in the Bible.

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Matthew had so many jobs that he

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it takes about 10 years to do this job

What is one passage in the book of Job shows Christ?

The Book of Job, found halfway through the Bible comes before Christ was prophesied and came to earth; it also doesn't deal with the issue of Jesus Christ, so there is no direct reference to Jesus Christ in is a conversation between God and Job, and Job's friends about the problem of suffering.

How many years before Christ did Job live?

Job lived 1800- 2000 years before Christ.

What actors and actresses appeared in Job Centre Jesus - 2011?

The cast of Job Centre Jesus - 2011 includes: Andrew McGinnigle as Job Coach

How many years does it take for the president to be finished with his job?

It takes the president four (4) years (yrs.) to finished his job !!!!!!!!! It takes the president four (4) years (yrs.) to finished his job !!!!!!!!!

How many years does a senator keep his job?

Six years, but he may be reelected.

Jobs of Jesus?

The only job mention in the Bible that Jesus had is a carpenter.