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God twice gave Satan a challenge to have Job curse God, first by destroying his family and his property, then by afflicting him with a terrible disease.

In the first trial, God told Satan that all that Job had was in his power, but the bargain was that Satan not touch Job himself (Job 1:12). Satan fulfilled his role by having Job's livestock and camels taken away by enemy bands, and his sons and daughters killed in a natural disaster. However, Job's wife is not mentioned.

In the second trial, God relaxed the rules of the challenge for Satan, so that he could do evil to the person of Job, as long as Job did not die (Job 2:5-6). Job was afflicted with a painful disease, but his wife was unscathed and spoke to him.

Because Job had shown his true devotion to God, he was compensated for his great losses, with vast new wealth, more children and long life. There is no mention of a new wife, so these children seem to have been borne by his first - and only - wife.

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Job had one wife.

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Robbie Bush

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Job actually had 2 wives Utzit and Dinah

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