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Jesus was tempted three times by satan in the wilderness.


In the original account, in Mark's Gospel, there is no suggestion of a number of temptations, simply a narrative that Jesus was tempted by Satan, while being ministered by angels.

The hypothetical 'Q' document elaborates on this, with detailed accounts of Satan tempting Jesus three times: to make stones into bread to eat; then taking Jesus up into a mountain and showing him all the kingdoms of the world, to be his to rule if he worships Satan; finally taking him to Jerusalem and sitting him on a pinnacle of the Temple and saying to prove he is the Son of God by jumping down and surviving. Luke's Gospel reflects the additional material in 'Q'. Matthew has the same three temptations by Satan, but reverses the order of the last two.

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Q: How many times was Jesus tempted by Satan just after His baptism?
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What happened to Jesus after he was tempted by Satan three times?

When Jesus is tempted by Satan three times, Jesus rebuffs those attacks and the devil leaves him.

How many times was Jesus tempted in the Bible?

Acording to the Holy Bible, Satan tempted Christ 3 times using scripture and Christ rebuked him each time through scripture!

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Actually Jesus was in the desert for forty days and nights. And yes he did get tempted by Satan. Three times.

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The devil tempted Jesus three times while he was in the desert for forty days. First, he tempted Jesus to make bread from stone. Second, Jesus was tempted to jump from a cliff so angels could catch him. Finally, he was tempted to worship the devil.

Christ in the desert?

he was tempted 3 times by Satan but never gave in!

Which occasion's was Jesus was tempted?

Jesus was first tempted just after his baptism when he fasted for 40 days after the Spirit drove him out into the wilderness, (Matthew 4.1-11). After this Jesus was tempted many times by the Jews and by his own people during his ministry. Two come to mind. - Once when he was asked if it was lawful to give tribute to Caesar, (Matthew.22.17,18); and another time by Peter, when he rebuked Jesus for telling about his death, (Matthew 16.23)

How could Jesus be tempted 3 times yet it Says after Satan tempted Him in All things he departed?

1) Satan said to Jesus, who was fasting, if you are hungry, turn the bread into stones. Jesus said man does not live by bread alone, but, by every word that comes from God. 2) Satan said to Jesus, why not throw yourself off a cliff and see if the angels will catch you? Jesus said not to put God to the test and force God to save you. 3) Satan then said that if Jesus were to worship him (the devil), then the devil would give all the kingdoms on Earth to rule. Jesus said, thou shall worship the Lord God, and no other than the Lord God. With that, the devil, Satan, departed. Jesus refused to do what the devil said, and the devil gave up trying to tempt Jesus.

What is a good picture of Jesus obeying his father's will?

The best example is when Jesus was tempted three times by Satan in the wilderness (Mark 1:12-13, Matthew 4:1-11, Luke 4:1-13).

When did Satan first tempt Jesus?

Matthew 4:1 is the first recorded time in the Bible, right after Jesus was baptized. I would guess that Satan tempted Jesus before, many times during His life, because he knew that if he could get Jesus to sin then Jesus would not be able to be a perfect sinless sacrifice, that would be able to save us from our sin.

How many times did Jesus use the word Satan?


How long was Jesus tempted by Satan in the wilderness?

In Matthew 4.1-11 the bible clearly states that Jesus was tempted 3 times. However we are tempted every single day and that is what makes Jesus such a remarkable story and how we know he was man but also God in the flesh. Because no one else ever has lived a perfect life and then died on a cross (the worse kind of death at the time) for our sins (that had to be paid one way or another). If your kid does something wrong you have to discipline him not to be mean but because he needs to know right from wrong and there has to be punishment for wrong actions. This is also what makes the Christian religion so different from all other religions. Because it is the only religion in the world that God reaches out to us and sacrificed his self to give man an (undeserved) second chance. All other religions believe that you get to heaven by being good or your own good doing. But the whole part of the christian story is that we can't ever be good enough to reach God so he has to reach out to us (aka Grace). Part of how we know it is a true story is because all of his 12 disciples except one believed in it so much that they were all murdered and gave their lives to spread the good news. (Not that the one didn't believe enough we just all have different lives to live).

Did jesus quote from Deuteronomy?

Many times. All three of his responses when he was tempted in the desert are from Deuteronomy.