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The word 'sympathy' is not found in the King James Version (KJV) but it does appear

6 times in the NIV translation. The counts vary depending on which translation you use.

You can also search for synonyms such as pity or sorrow to expand the number of matches.

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PITY appears seven times:

(Isaiah 49:13) 13 Give a glad cry, YOU heavens, and be joyful, you earth. Let the mountains become cheerful with a glad outcry. For Jehovah has comforted his people, and he shows pity upon his own afflicted ones.

(Matthew 15:32) 32 But Jesus called his disciples to him and said: "I feel pity for the crowd, because it is already three days that they have stayed with me and they have nothing to eat; and I do not want to send them away fasting. They may possibly give out on the road."

(Matthew 20:34) 34 Moved with pity, Jesus touched their eyes, and immediately they received sight, and they followed him.

(Genesis 43:14) 14 And may God Almighty give YOU pity before the man, that he may certainly release to YOU YOUR other brother and Benjamin. But I, in case I must be bereaved, I shall certainly be bereaved!"

(1 Kings 8:50) 50 and you must forgive your people who had sinned against you and all their transgressions with which they transgressed against you; and you must make them objects of pity before their captors and they must pity them

(Psalm 40:11) 11 You yourself, O Jehovah, do not restrain your pity from me. Let your loving-kindness and your trueness themselves constantly safeguard me.

(Mark 6:34) 34 Well, on getting out, he saw a great crowd, but he was moved with pity for them, because they were as sheep without a shepherd. And he started to teach them many things.

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