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The word faith is said several hundred times. It is mentioned in 109 chapters, but I couldn't possibly start to count how many times it is individually mentioned. You can read all the verses which mention the word faith at by searching the word "faith" in the Book of Mormon.

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3y ago
the term faith is found about 255 times in 222 different verses.
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14y ago

"Jesus Christ" is mentioned 64 times

"Jesus" (not followed by "Christ") is mentioned 116 times

"Christ" (without "Jesus") is mentioned 302 times

Please note that Jesus Christ is mentioned hundreds if not thousands of times in the Book of Mormon by other names, such as "Messiah", "Son of God", "Redeemer", "Lord", "Lamb of God" and "Jehovah". I didn't count any of those. This word count only includes the main body text, not footnotes, chapter summaries, the introduction, or other pages.

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10y ago

17 verses in the Book of Mormon use the word 'forgive' or one of it's variants (forgiven, forgiveness, etc). Some of these verses use the word more than once.

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6y ago

the word hope is in 53 verses of the Book of Mormon.

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Q: How many times is Jesus Christ mentioned in the Book of Mormon?
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How many verses in the Book of Mormon talk of Jesus Christ?

"Jesus Christ" is mentioned 64 times "Jesus" (not followed by "Christ") is mentioned 116 times "Christ" (without "Jesus") is mentioned 302 times Please note that Jesus Christ is mentioned hundreds if not thousands of times in the Book of Mormon by other names, such as "Messiah", "Son of God", "Redeemer", "Lord", "Lamb of God" and "Jehovah". I didn't count any of those. In a broader sense, every verse in the Book of Mormon is about Jesus Christ, since the entire book is meant to be "Another Witness of Jesus Christ". The Book of Mormon is a testimony of the faithfulness of God and the divinity and necessity of Jesus Christ as our Savior.

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Jesus Christ is mentioned 7 times in the book of Matthew, but Jesus is mentioned 163 times. "Christ" appears alone another twelve times, and the phrase, "Jesus who is called Christ," appears three times.

How many times are the words Jesus Christ together not Jesus and Christ but Jesus Christ mentioned in the Bible?

198 times in King James Version (189 verses)

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Paul mentions Jesus Christ's name 230 times in the Bible.

Is mormonism really at its core just another form of satanism?

This i an absurd question at its face... especially given that the actual name of the "Mormon" church is really The Church of JESUS CHRIST of Latter-day Saints. This is truly sad that such a leading, degrading question would be posted as a legitimate item for discussion. Perhaps read in the Book of Mormon and you will find that Jesus Christ is not only mentioned in its title "The Book of Mormon, Another Testament of Jesus Christ" (the full name of the book), but that Jesus Christ is mentioned thousands of times either by direct name, or by titles that he bears (e.g. savior, redeemer, Son of God... etc.).

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Only 8 times

How many times Jesus Christ is mentioned in noun or pronoun in New Testament?

King James Version (KJV) Jesus 983 times Christ 571 times Jesus Christ 550 times Jesus and Christ are proper nouns. The pronoun for Jesus and Christ is 'he.' 'he' is used 3071 times in the (KJV) New Testament, but not all those 'he's refer to Jesus or Christ. To find which ones do and how many takes an algorithm beyond this searcher's capability.

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How many times is the name Jesus Christ mentioned in the Bible?

In the King James version the word/name - Jesus - appears 973 times the word/name - Jesus' - appears 10 times the word/name/title - Christ - appears 555 times the word/name/title - Christ's - appears 16 times Taken together as a phrase - Jesus Christ - appears 195 times in 185 verses.

How many times is Jesus Christ mentioned in the Book of Mark in the Bible?

Twice in the King James; four times in the NIV.

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