Christ appears 10 times in 8 verses in Ephesians Chapter 1 in the King James Version (KJV). Christ appears 12 times in 10 verses in the NIV translation so the count varies slightly depending on which translation is used.
159 times.
7 times
14 times
Christ appears 10 times in 8 verses in Ephesians Chapter 1 in the King James Version (KJV). Christ appears 12 times in 10 verses in the NIV translation so the count varies slightly depending on which translation is used.
The word "grace" appears four times in three verses of the KJV bible gospel of John. (John 1:14, 1:16, 1:17)
The word "grace" appears four times in three verses of the KJV bible gospel of John. (John 1:14, 1:16, 1:17)
Two times.
The word CHRISTIANS appear 3 Times in the King James Bible.1 Peter Chapter 4 Verse 16should be added.
In the King James versionthe word - word - appears697 times in the Bible22 times in the Gospel according to St John3 times in chapter 1 of the Gospel according to St John
The word "walk" is mentioned 8 times in the book of Ephesians. It is used to emphasize the concept of living a life that is in alignment with Christ.
Times of Grace was created in 2007.