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Tavares Cole

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The phrase "long suffering" does not appear anywhere in the KJV bible. It appears one time in the NIV bible (Jeremiah 15:15).

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Q: How many time is long suffering used in the bible?
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How many times long suffering used in the bible?

The phrase "long suffering" does not appear anywhere in the KJV bible. It appears one time in the NIV bible (Jeremiah 15:15).

What is the main beleif of Buddhism?

There is suffering. The cause of suffering is craving. Cessation of suffering is attainable. There is an eightfold path to the cessation of suffering. There many things one is that you dont eat for a long time. got to go do this later.

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You can't. The bible is a combination of many writers over many years put together over time, so there is no set date for the writing.

What is long-suffering?

Long suffering is to put up with a disagreeable situation for a long time yet still do what you feel you should do regardless of the situation over an extended period of time.

When in the bible did Jesus use the Gift of Knowledge?

Many times in all his ministry. I suppose the most significant was the time he told the disciples about his own suffering and death and resurrection in Matthew 16.20 to 22

How long did job of the bible suffer?

Job in the Bible suffered for an unspecified period of time, but it is commonly believed to be around a few months to a year. Throughout his trials, Job remained faithful to God and his suffering ultimately ended when God restored his health, wealth, and family.

What does 'long-suffering' mean in the Bible?

In King James language, another meaning of the word "suffer" was to bear with, or as we would say, "put up with." "Longsuffering," then (all one word, not two), means to bear with for an extended time; in other words, primarily it means patience, or to be patient.Variations in its biblical meaning include endurance, steadfastness, constancy, forbearance and perseverance. The intended meaning can be determined by context.

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What does longsuffering mean in the kjv?

From the English Wiktionary: longsuffering: Alternative form of long-suffering. long-suffering: Having endured mental or physical discomfort for a protracted period of time patiently or without complaint.

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About 30 minutes

Who did The Bible?

I believe that the Bible was written by many different people over quite a long period of time, but that they all knew what God wanted them to write. When I read the Bible I read what God wants to say to me/us. The writers of the Bible did the writing, but God did the inspiring.

How many time is the word why mention in the Bible?

to many