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The Torah contains 613 commandments, 248 positive and 365 negative.

We also have the Oral Law that was given to Moses on Mt. Sinai to instruct us

on how to preform these commandments. The Sages and Rabbis using method

also given at Mt. Sinai can then derive more detail laws (Halakah) for a particular



Fascinating fact:

Different Jewish scholars during the late medieval period, working independently,

in different countries, without contact and without knowledge of one another, each

arrived at the same figure: 613 "mitzvot" of the Torah.

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The Torah doesn't contain any laws, however, there are 613 mitzvot or guidelines in the Torah.

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The prevailing tradition is that the Torah contains 613 mitzvot or guidelines.

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Q: How many rules are there in the Torah?
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Do Jews have a lot of rules?

Yes, there are 613 Torah-commandments, plus many customs.

Where do the Jewish rules come from?

The Torah

Were do the kosher rules come from?

The Torah.

Where did the Jews rules come from?

The Jews' rules come from the Torah. The Torah consists of two parts: the written Torah and the Oral Torah. The Oral Torah is the laws and traditions handed down by the Sages, which are today contained in the Talmud. The Talmud explains the details of those commands which the written Torah states briefly.

How many other rules did god give Jewish people?

The Torah contains a total of 613 commands.

What set of rules does judaism follow?

The Torah.

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Jewish dietary rules are based on the Torah. Within the Torah there are a series of core rules specifying what is considered fit and not fit for eating.

What are the rules of using the Torah in a synagogue?

You need to use a yad which is this :

What was the name for the rules in Judaism called?

The mitzvot (Torah-commands).

Why are there 613 rules in the Torah?

Who knows? The only one who can answer your question is God.

Who presented rules of health to the Jews around 1205 BCE?

Moses presented rules of health to the Hebrews at approximately 1205 BC. He was the first advocate of preventive medicine and is considered the first public health officer.Answer:The traditional date of the Giving of the Torah is 1312 BCE. The laws of the Torah possess many benefits, but were given as God's commands, not rules of health.

How does the Torah affect everyday life?

It provides guidelines and rules for everyday conduct.