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King David is named as the author in 73 of the 150 Psalms. According to Jewish tradition, he also authored all of the Psalms that have no author named in them, except for eleven which tradition ascribes to Moses (who is named only once).

This brings David's total to 113 of the 150. However, it was he who collated all of the Psalms and in whose merit they never went lost.

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At least 73 of the 150 psalms have David written as the author. The others were believed to have been written by contemporaries of David as well as his son, Solomon.

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Q: How many psalms were written by king david?
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Biblical tradition says that King David wrote many of the psalms. However, scholars say that the psalms were a genre unknown at the time attributed to David. They say that the psalms were really written much later, during the Babylonian Exile and up to two hundred years afterwards.

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King David is generally credited with writing the Book of Psalms, with some additions by his son, King Solomon, although most biblical scholars say the psalms were written centuries after his time.

What did king David write throughout his life?

A:King David is traditionally credited with having written many of the psalms. However, biblical scholars say this is not really true, as the psalms were a genre entirely unknown at the time of David. In spite of tradition, King David was probably an illiterate warlord who left nothing in writing, even on a stele.

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