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Prophecies aren't revealed by men, though you'd be hard pressed today to prove otherwise. All true prophecy comes from God.

Like many of the prophets of old, they had 'dual' messages in that they spoke to impending judgement and also of future promises in the 'latter days' or days somewhere ahead. Per the context of each, the reader can determine if these are for all Israel (12 tribes), just the House of Israel (10 Northern tribes disbursed) or the House of Judah (Southern tribes of Judah predominantly, Levi, Benjamin and Simeon to lesser extents). They are different yet related :)

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Q: How many prophecies did Micah make in the bible?
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Assuming you mean Jesus, there isn't such a prophecy in the Christian bible (the New Testament group of writings). In the Hebrew/Jewish bible (Old Testament) there are several prophecies that have been claimed, by certain religious sects, to refer to Jesus but none match the New Testament figure. Usually cited are the predictions of Micah, a Jewish prophet who may have lived in the 8th century BCE (the book of Micah dates to the 5th century BCE). In the book, Micah predicts a military leader will be born in Bethlehem. It is for that reason that the author of Matthew changed the figure from "Jesus of Nazareth" (as in the older gospel writings) to "Jesus of Bethlehem", to make it appear to match the Micah prophecy. However Jesus is not considered a military leader and is it unlikely that Jews during the time of Micah would prophecize a "ruler" who never actually went on to rule a tribe of Israel. Given the multitude of convoluted story threads between all the writings (it's a very large group of writings and was written over hundreds of years by as many authors in many places), it wouldn't be a stretch to try to make several fit but the answer is that there are none that actually match.

How many proficies predicted christ are listed in the bible?

In some count is anywhere from 200 to 300 prophecies predicted in the OT.

What is the difference between the major and minor prophets of the Bible?

No difference; many of them lived concurrently and were teachers/disciples of each other; and the prophecies have the same level of holiness. The designation "minor" was used for short prophecies.

Who made dooms day?

Doomsday was created from prophecies because many scholars in the reigon where the places in the bible were foretelling the future that was about the apocalypse.

How many pages does Micah - novel - have?

Micah - novel - has 288 pages.

How many pages does Micah Clarke have?

Micah Clarke has 424 pages.

How many chapters are in the book Micah?

There are seven (7) chapters in the book of Micah.

Have all prophetic visions been fulfilled?

The bible still has many unfulfilled prophecies that are said to happen in the last days. most of them are in the Book of Revelation.

How many pages does The Simoqin Prophecies have?

The Simoqin Prophecies has 505 pages.

How many of Jesus' and some of the other prophets in the Bible's prophecies were just plain wrong?

NONE of the prophecies, made by Jesus or any of God's prophets in the Bible, were 'wrong'. They ALL came ( ...or are coming)TRUE .(Joshua 21:45)(John 13:19)(Luke 21:22)(Luke 24:44)(Acts 3:18)

How many Micah's exist?
