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The Apostle Paul was stoned and left for dead and wrote most of the epistles of the New Testament. This incident is recorded in Acts 14:19-20.

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Q: How many people have been stoned and written some of the Bible?
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Could the bible have been written by mental people?

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Where in the bible does it say Paul was stoned?

Acts 14:19 And there came thither certain Jews from Antioch and Iconium, who persuaded the people, and having stoned Paul, drew him out of the city, supposing he had been dead.

How many times has the Holy Bible been written?

The Bible has been written once, but has been translated countless times in over 2500 languages.

How can the Bible be written for the Jewish people if they do not believe in the New Testament?

A:The Bible is already written for Jews, who do not believe in the New Testament. Christians call this the Old Testament, while Jews call it the Tanach.A Bible has even been written for people who do not believe in the prophecies of the Old Testament or that miracles happen. This is called the Jefferson Bible, after one of the American Founding Fathers.

Was the Bible written by men?

Yes. Little or nothing in the Bible seems to have been written by women. And the Bible can not have been the work of God. If it had been it would surely not contain the many errors and inconsistencies that it does contain.

Which twelve people rewrote the Bible?

There have been far more than twelve. People have been rewriting the bible for centuries.

Why was the King James version written?

The King James Bible was written because the Bible hadn't yet been translated into English.

Why was King James version written?

The King James Bible was written because The Bible hadn't yet been translated into English.

Is the bible written in code?

Well it could have been used to code things for other secret Christians, but the Bible is not meant to be in codes, like it wasn't meant to be, but it could have been used for codes for people in disguise. Another take: Of course the bible is written in codes, at least 4 of them. The codes are the languages: Hebrew, Chaldee, Greek and Aramaic.

What is a polyglot Bible?

A polyglot Bible is a Bible that has been written in different languages on the same page. Originally this was Greek, Roman, and Hebrew. There would be different columns on the page for each translation. It was not done to make a universal copy of the Bible, but instead to allow people to understand the Bible in its context.

What does the Elizabethan cooking term stoned mean?

Stoned means the pit in the center has been removed, such as in olives, peaches, cherries, etc.