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The mature men were about 600,000 (Numbers chapter 26), plus the 22,000 Levites (Numbers 3:39). To this must be added the converts (Exodus 12:38), and the women and children. Based on the ratio of firstborn to younger children (Numbers ch.3), it can be seen that the children were numerous. Estimates for the total number are usually given at two million or more.

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9y ago

Only two Israelites who left Egypt entered Canaan (Joshua & Caleb), the rest were born in the journey! The reason that those who originally came out from Egypt didn't enter Canaan is that they were stubborn, unbelieving and disobedient. Effectively they wanted to go back to Egypt and said so. It is commonly thought that there were at least one million people that came out of Egypt. These were not all Israelites either as the relevant passages refer to a 'mixed multitude' meaning that some Egyptians came as well.

In terms of those who entered Canaan as detailed in the census in Numbers 26 (v. 51) it is indicated that there were 601,730 who were 20 years old and upward who were able to go to war. Thus, if we count women children and older men then it would seem that the number would have been around 2.5 to 3 million total.

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Though the first paragraph above doesn't address the Question, it stands to be corrected. In addition to Joshua and Caleb, tradition states that none of the Levites or the women died in the wilderness (Rashi commentary, Numbers 1:49 and 26:64).

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10y ago

According to tradition, about 600,000 Israelite men entered Canaan. Each was the head of a family, so multiply accordingly.

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10y ago

According to tradition, they numbered some two million, since the men were over 600,000 (Numbers ch.2) to which we must add women and children.

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10y ago

Around two million, since the men numbered 600,000 (Numbers ch.26) and to that must be added women and children.

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Q: How many people entered Canaan?
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