About 20000 Americans convert to Islam every year. Also look at this video of how a singer converted to Islam.
Interview with Loon converted to Islam part 2 of 3.
Also see the related videos. <:
No one can invent a religion, but it could be founded by someone. According to history,Islam was founded by Muhammad(the last prophet) he had spread the idea of Islam to people in Makkah, but many people who converted to Islam there were persecuted. So Muhammad and some of his followers traveled to Yathrib and later was called Medina. Many people in Medina converted to Islam.
Certainly many people from different cultures converted to Islam during the Abbassid period. Whether or not they converted because they were attracted to it or converted because of social and economic factors is very debatable.
There are many links that you may refer to for this purpose. Examples are listed down below.
There are many famous people in Islam all the prophets, and sahabas. but one of the most famous is the last prophet muhammed (s.a.w.)
A lot of people are believe in Islam religion....
It was not that all of a sudden people started entering Islam. It was in ones and twos that people accepted Islam.
Many Mongols converted to Islam and built mosques.
Some people converted out of the conviction that Islam was the true religion and Mohammad was the final, or "seal of the prophets". Others converted after a period of dhimmitude, a condition where they were permitted to keep their Christian, Jewish, or Zoroastrian faith but with certain religious and economic restrictions. Having found the restrictions too onerous, many relented and converted for the social and economic benefits a Muslim enjoyed under an Islamic state.
A:More than anything, Islam was spread by conquest. Pagans were forcibly converted. Christians and Jews were allowed to continue in their faiths, which many of them did, but were provided compelling secular reasons for converting to Islam.
250000 or more than that people convert to Islam in Europe yearly.
Islam, in fact, decrease lives of people in Spain. Many of cristians (mozárabes) were reduce to slavery, and even the converted (muladíes) were torn apart from any kind of rights or representation.