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It is Catholic Christian belief that Jesus was born of the Virgin Mary, Joseph being his "foster father." As we hold to the "perpetual virginity of Mary, we believe that Jesus was [in more ways than one] the ONLY SON. In those sections of Sacred Scripture where reference is made to "brethren," it is again our teaching that this refers to an extended family (cousins et.)

//The Catholic religion is based almost entirely on the premise that Mary, mother of Jesus was perpetually a virgin. The Bible clearly states that Mary had other children with her husband Joseph. It gives the names of four brothers and at least two sisters. This is a direct reference to Jesus' half siblings and has nothing to do with cousins. John the Baptist was a cousin. I am continually amazed that so many people disregard what scripture says and instead believe the doctrine of men. The bible also says that those who pervert the word of God will have a special place in hell.//

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13y ago

There were at least nine. Matthew 13:55-56 says "Is not this the carpenter's son? is not his mother called Mary? and his brethren, James, and Joses, and Simon, and Judas? 56And his sisters, are they not all with us?

Jesus is 1. Add 4 brothers and you have 5. Add Mary and Joseph and you have 7. Now, notice the wording concerning his sisters. "And his sisters, are they not all with us?" It would have said "sister" if he'd had one. It used the word "all." Therefore, he had at least 2 sisters --- maybe more. This means there were at least 9 people in Jesus' immediate family, but there were possibly more.

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15y ago

the exact number is not known, but it was Jesus, his mother, Mary, his father, Joseph and the Bible also says he did have brothers and sisters, but the number was not given.

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