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A:Biblical tradition holds that most of the psalms were written by Kings David and Solomon, as well as Asaph and Aleph at the time attributed to the United Monarchy. However, scholars say that the psalms were a literary genre unknown at this time in history. They were actually written during and after the Babylonian Exile. All the psalms were written anonymously, so we do not know how many authors were involved. A:There were mainly four authors Aleph , Asap h, David and Solomon.
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While many of the psalms are traditionally attributed to David, Solomon, Aleph and others during the time of the legendary United Monarchy, scholars say that the psalms were a literary genre unknown at that time. They say that the psalms were actually written over a period of more than two hundred years, during and after the Babylonian Exile. Since all the psalms were written anonymously, it is not possible to establish how many psalms each author wrote.

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Q: How many of the psalms did each author write?
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What did King David write?

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Asaph is traditionally credited with writing 12 psalms in the Book of Psalms in the Bible. These are Psalms 50, 73-83.

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King David did not write any books of the Bible. He did write around seventy of the Psalms in the Book of Psalms. Many Bibles will identify them as such.

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Yes, of course, David was a great poet of God also, as well as the other annointings he had. At the very beginning of each Psalm it is said who it belongs to (verse 1 in each Psalm) and very few are without any name such as 91 and 92, but they maybe following the previous psalm 90 so that makes Moses the author of them. But in the Hebrew original it is written "of David" - "L'Dovid" at the beginning of the psalms that belong to him. Also in the New Testament it is said that David was the author of many psalms. Romans 4:6-7 for example. Shalom !

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Aleph is the name of a Hebrew letter, not a person. All 150 psalms in the Bible include the letter aleph (א).

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King David wrote the book of Psalms. Many of the Psalms are incorportated into the daily and sabbath prayers.

How many verses in the Book of Psalms?

There are 150 chapters in the book of Psalms. Each chapter is one psalm (or song).

How many Psalms are attributed to Moses?

According to tradition, eleven Psalms (90-100) are attributed to Moses.

What Psalm in the Bible is one Psalm represent two Psalms what are the two Psalms it represents?

If you mean the 'twin' Psalms, then they are Psalm 111 and 112, which many believe were written by the same author and should be one.

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It is hard to say , but Psalm 90 and 91 are of Moses.

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Another answer from our community:It is believed that atleast 73 Psalms are attributed directly to David, and several more not signed, but said to be David's words, ie: (Psalm 2:1/Acts 4:25)(Psalm 95:7+8/Hebrews 4:7).