729,371 are recorded by Annuarium Statisticum Ecclesiae 2011, which includes data up to 2009.
According to the Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate (CARA) at Georgetown University, as of 2010 there were 721,935 religious sisters worldwide.
Strictly speaking, not all sisters are nuns, but the statistics include all women in monastic, mendicant, secular or apostolic communities, which are commonly all referred to as sisters.
The latest figures we have are for last year, and include a total of 54,018 Religious Sisters world-wide. Please note that this includes all sisters, not just nuns. Nuns only make up a fraction of that, but as most people assume that Sisters and Nuns are the same thing, you might be asking for that figure anyway. Catholic nuns are strictly cloistered usually, you don't see them out on the streets, they remain in their monasteries. The Sisters that one usually thinks of, teaching school, nursing the sick, working in the parish are Sisters not nuns.
The number of members, predominantly women, some engaged only in constant prayer, others working as teachers, health workers and missionaries, fell 94,790 to 945,210.
Of the total, 753,400 members were women, while 191,810 were men, including 136,171 priests and 532 permanent deacons.
The figures were published next to a report of Pope Benedict XVI's meeting with nuns, monks and priests from many countries gathered in St Peter's Basilica in Rome last weekend.
Nuns lived in a nunnery.
A nunnery
Monastery is for priest and nunnery is for nuns
The nuns sleep in the nunnery in the convent.
It is a nunnery.
In an nunnery. Monks lived in Monerstrys.
Nuns have always lived in monasteries. They are sometimes called an Abbey, but the Abbey strictly refers to the Church, while "monastery" refers to the entire complex. "Monastery" can refer to a place where Nuns live, or where monks live. The archaic term for where Nuns live and work was "Nunnery."
A gathering of nuns is called a nunnery. Or a convent.
Monks lived in an abbey or priory (headed by an Abbot or Prior); nuns lived in a nunnery or convent headed by an Abbess or Prioress.
The plural form of the word "nunnery", a noun meaning "a place of residence for nuns", is "nunneries".
This would be nuns in a nunnery.