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The United Grand Lodge of England has over 8,000 Lodges, but not all of these are in England. Some are in Wales, and in various parts of Africa and Asia which do not have a local Grand Lodge.

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Approx. 100 lodges are in Scotland.

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There are 24 Masonic temples located in the London area. The Freemason's Hall is the London headquarters of the United Grand Lodge of England and is the central meeting location of London area Masonic lodges.

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Yes, there are African-American members of Masonic Lodges.

Where do you find masonic lodges in Zimbabwe?

A list of Lodges in Zimbabwe can be found at the related link.

Are there masonic lodges in Ghana?

Yes there are some 57 Lodges under the Constitution of the United Grand Lodge of England. Ghana forms its own Provincial Grand Lodge with its own Provincial Grand Master. See the related link.

Where are found in Tanzania?

All over the place, but certainly in Masonic Lodges when they meet.

Where are freemasons found in Tanzania?

All over the place, but certainly in Masonic Lodges when they meet.

Do you have to be a man to be a free mason?

Yes (and no kinda) yes, because to be a member of a traditional, regular and recognized Masonic lodge you must me Male. No, because there are what are known as irregular or Clandestine lodges that include in their lodge, elements not in line with the ancient and established traditions of Free Masonry. A big no-no in any regular lodge is to initiate a women as a Mason. However, there are many clandestine lodges out there that do confer Masonic degrees on and make women Master Masons. There are coed and all female lodges all over the USA and in Europe. As far as any regular Grand Lodge is concerned these women are not really masons and Members like myself from recognized lodges are forbidden from having any Masonic contact with clandestine lodges and their members.

What has the author Frederick Armitage written?

Frederick Armitage has written: 'The Royal Order Of Scotland' 'Short Masonic History' 'The Alchemists' 'The Masonic lodges of the world' -- subject- s -: Freemasons, History

What are some evidences of freemasonry?

Masonic lodges, historical records of Masons, first-person accounts of modern Masons.

Is Halle Berry a Freemason?

Unlikely. There are very very few Masonic Lodges in North America which admit women.

How much is a penny with a freemason symbol on it worth?

One branch of Masonic Lodges, called Mark Lodges, produce tokens called pennies which may have masonic symbols on them, as well as the name of the Mark Lodge which issued it. Such pennies are of curiosity value only--they have no market value.