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The exact number of manuscripts that Christians have found over time is not known. Regarding the New Testament, there have been more than 24,000 manuscripts found supporting it in a myriad of languages.

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Q: How many manuscripts have Christians found over time?
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How many manuscripts are there of the New Testament?

There are more than 24,000 surviving manuscripts or pieces of the New Testament manuscripts. Of these the earliest manuscripts date back to 130 AD. This is just decades after Mark was written in 50 AD. And of the discrepancies that are "found" they are differences of 'he' verses 'him' or 'they' and 'them' or misspellings of the word because at that time the early Christians had to spread the Gospel quickly and the error checking like that of the Old Testament was not available and was not the most viable solution. Keep in mind Plato was written between 427-347 BC and the earliest copy is from 900AD. That is 1200 years and there are only 7 copies of the original.

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Why is the bible a legitamite athouritative source?

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