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Q: How many imam had sunni?
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How many imams of Islam?

In Sunni Islam there are four Imams, for four schools of thought. Imam Abu Hanifa, imam shafi, imam malik and imam hanble. Follow any one of these imams and you will not be led astray.

What is the worship leader called for Sunni Muslims?

An Imam

Who is imam jaffar sidique?

sixth Imam of shia Muslims. Although he is perhaps most famous as the founder of Shi'a Islamic fiqh, known as Ja'fari jurisprudence, he had many other accomplishments. He was the teacher of many subsequent Muslim scholars such as the founders of both Sunni and Shi'a Islamic schools of jurisprudence. As well as being considered an Imam of the Shi'a, he is revered by the Naqshbandi Sunni Sufi chain.[6] He was a polymath: an astronomer, alchemist, Imam, Islamic scholar, Islamic theologian, writer, philosopher, physician, physicist and scientist.[citation needed] He was also the teacher of the famous chemist, Jābir ibn Hayyān (Geber)

Is actor semab umar imam shia or sunni?

Semab Umar is a Sunni Muslim. The Shias don't name their sons after the name of the second Rightful Caliph Hazrat Umar RAU.

What is the name for a Muslim leader?

The Islamic prayer leader is called the imam. However, the imam does more than lead prayer. It is a religious leader role. They may be looked at as community leaders, give guidance, and lead ceremonies. The responsibilities of the do differ some between Sunni and Shi'a imams. In Sunni, the imam leads formal prayers (Fard), and often Friday sermons. In Shi'a, the imam is considered to have impeccable character, be free of sin, and is to be followed in all teachings.

What is an imam in Islam?

An imam (Arabic: إمام plural ائمة A'immah‎, Persian: امام) is an Islamic leadership position. Often the leader of a mosque and the community. Similar to spiritual leaders, the imam is the one who leads the prayer during Islamic gatherings. More often the community turns to the mosque imam, if they have an Islamic question. In smaller communities an imam could be the community leader based on the community setting. The term is also used for a recognized religious leader or teacher in Islam, often for the founding scholars of the four Sunni madhhabs, or schools of religious jurisprudence (fiqh). It may also refer to the imams of the sciences related to Hadith or to the heads of the Prophet's descendants in their times. In other words, Imam Ali is a phrase used by both Shi'a and Sunni Muslims, though with different connotations[35]. The Sunni sect does not have imams in the same sense as the Shi'a sect. The imam in the Sunni sect of Islam is the leader of prayers; the sermon is most often given by the Sheikh. However, there are some people whom Sunnis call "Imams" who are not prayer leaders. They are not Imams in the Shi'a sense of the word, but they are those who started the four Sunni Madhabs. List:

What words would you use to describe imam abu hanifah?

Imam Abu Hanifah was the founder of the Sunni Hanafi school of fiqh. Some of the words to describe him are pleasing voice, handsome person, and pleasant appearance.

What is the difference between shi'ite views of imam and sunni views of caliph?

Shia Muslims believe in Iammat as one of five pillars of Islam. Imamat means only God has the right to choose the Caliph (Imam).

What do sunni muslims do to worship?

The Sunni Muslims are officially called AHL_I_SUNNAT WAL JAMA"AT. They follow the teachings of holy Qur'an and the holy Prophet (SAW) and the holy Companions(May Allah Karim be pleased with them). They have the same beliefs and the same way of worship as the holy Prophet (SAW) taught and the holy Companions acted upon. They follow the jurisprudence of any One of the Four Imams-Imam Abu Hanifa, Imam Malik, Imam Ahmad bin Humbal, Imam Sfafie (May Allah be pleased with them).

Is shahveer jafry shia or sunni?

Most of the Jaafries are Sia. They calim to follow the teachings of Hazrat Imam Jaafar Sadiq RA. Yet, the Sunni Muslims also respect Hazrat Imam Jaffar Sadiq RA.

What is percentage of shi'a in Egypt?

at least 1% of egypt population are shia muslims. but sunni/shia relation in egypt is different of other countries. in egypt shia and sunni have close relation and sunni muslims love 12 Imams of shia and sunni muslims of egypt can be called nearly shia. there is no shia/sunni conflict in egypt. egypt Muslims are mostly fatemi that are lovers of Imam Ali and Ahl al Bayt.

Do the Muslims have a religious leader?

Yes, Muslims have religious leaders but not with extensive legislative authorities as in other God religions. For Sunni Muslims, there are Sheikh Al-Azhar and the Committee of Olomaa Al-Azhar. For Shiites Muslims, there is AlImam in Iran.Answer 2Yes, there is two different types of leaders: political leader and Fiqh (jurisprudencein) leader. in Shia Islam view, currently Imam Mahdi a.s. (the 12th Imam) is leader of all Muslims but he is now at occultation and based on the required terms said by him currently Imam Khamenei is selected as political leader (Wali Faqih) by Shia scholars as the leader of Muslims until arrivals of Imam Mahdi a.s. also there are Maraje as the Fiqh leaders. Imam Khamenei is a Fiqh leader (Marja) at the same time. Shia Muslims in Fiqh follow the Jafari Fiqh which is based by Imam Jafar Sadiq a.s. who was the teacher of four founders of 4 schools of Sunni Muslims.Answer 3For Majority of Muslim called "Sunni " four founders of 4 schools of thoughts are religious leaders including Imam Abou Hanifa RA. , Imam Shafi RA, Imam Ahmad bin Hamble RA and Imam Malik RA.