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A:It is surprising that Jesus was crucified on a Friday, since this form of execution is meant to be slow and painful, lasting much longer than one day. Had the priests waited two more days, they could have expected to see Jesus suffer on the cross for two or three days or longer. Because the Sabbath began at sunset on Friday, Judaism required the victims to be put to death quickly and taken down before sunset.

The gospels tell us that Jesus died after exactly twelve hours on the cross. Mark 15:44 has Pilate express considerable astonishment that Jesus was already dead, and ask the centurion to confirm this surprising fact. The synoptic gospels do not comment further on the other two who were crucified with Jesus, but John's Gospel meticulously reports that their legs were broken and that Jesus was speared to ensure he was dead.


According to the account in Mark 15:25-34, Jesus was nailed to the cross in the 3rd hour which equates to 9:00 AM in Greek/Roman time. We read, 'Now it was the third hour, and they crucified Him' (Mark 15:25).

Further, according to the account in Mark, in the 6th hour or Noon, darkness fell over the whole land. According to the NKJV Study Bible which says, 'The darkness was not due to an eclipse of the sun, since PASSOVER occurred at the full moon. This was a supernatural occurrence (footnote on Matthew 27:45).

So we can glean from this that the 'Sabbath' spoken of here was NOT the weekly Sabbath which began at sunset Friday and ended sunset Saturday BUT was indeed the High Annual Feast Day of the PASSOVER which can occur on any day. Evidence would eliminate all early 30s AD date but 31 AD would fit exactly.

That year the Passover began on Wednesday night or the Last Supper event and Jesus was taken and tried, horribly punished beyond human recognition and hung on the tree Passover Thursday 9:00 AM. Day 1 begins.

Lastly, back to Mark 15 and Jesus' death time it says, 'And at the 9th hour or 3 PM, Jesus cried out with a loud voice, saying, "Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani?" which is translated, "My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?"

Jesus is taken and quickly cleansed and buried in the tomb BEFORE sunset and the start of the next High Holy Days of Unleavened Bread on sunset Thursday the beginning of Day 2. The woman Prepare for the weekly Sabbath on Friday day and celebrate it that evening. When the Sabbath is over Saturday sunset the end of 3rd Day, they go early in the morning of our Sunday the 4th day but find Jesus already arisen as the only sign of His Messiahship, 3 full days & nights. All in the Scriptures for any to read for themselves.

In conclusion, Jesus hung on the tree from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM when he died or 12 hours. He was quickly taken down (perhaps an hour or two) and prepared for a quick burial and was in the tomb before the start of a new day at sunset.

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13y ago
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15y ago

According to most accounts I have heard, it took about six hours from the time he was crucified.

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12y ago

well they put nails in his arms and feet so that is nerly dieing and then they pulled his heart out so he it would take about 5 min

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12y ago

Jesus was dead for 3 days before he resurrected out from the grave.

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8y ago

The Gospels say Jesus was crucified at 9:00 AM and died at 3:00 PM or six hours. He was entombed for 3 days and 3 nights or 72 hours.

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16y ago

less than one

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14y ago

Around 3 days xx

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10y ago

6 hours

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