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The Mesopotamians had about 2,000 gods

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10y ago

Many many gods and godesses

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Q: How many gods did the Mespotamians have?
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How many gods did the gods havE?

Lol No

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They believe in many gods.

What is meant by a polytheistic religion?

Polytheism is the belief in many pagan or false Gods, like Greek mythology.

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a belief in many gods is called polytheism

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How many gods where there in Mesopotamian?

76 gods

How many known Greek gods and goddesses are there?

A lot. The Greeks worship many gods and goddesses so you can't find the exact number. There are many major and minor Greek gods and goddesses. You have to be more specific, how many Greek major gods or how many minor gods.

How many gods were they?

There were 13 main gods (12 Olympian gods and Hades).