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Joseph and Daniel were the most prominent. I don't believe others are mentioned.

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Q: How many dream interpreters in the bible?
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How many times does the word dream is used in the Bible?

The word "dream" is in the King James Version of the Bible 74 times. It is in 61 verses.

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What is the first dream mention in the bible?

Gen 20:3 ; the dream of Abimelech .

What is The Bible meaning of dream?

thought in sleep

When was Pacific Interpreters created?

Pacific Interpreters was created in 1992.

Who had the first dream mentioned in the bible?

King james

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health, wealth, and happiness is the American Dream

How can you explain dreams that come to pass?

Dreams that come to pass are called prophetic dreams. I believe that this is a gift from god and should be used by god. You will get your most thorough understanding by searching the bible and scriptures that refer to this gift. A lot of the prophets were dreamers and dream interpreters. During the bible times and even today god spoke/speaks to people through dreams and visions. A lot of warnings came/come from this out prophetic dreams...

What did martin luther say about the bible?

"I have a dream."

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Is the demand for sign language interpreters high in arizona?

Yes,as there is shortage for trained and certified interpreters in arizona.Due to that the demand for certified and trained interpreters is high.

Are sign language interpertors self employed?

There are both freelance interpreters and interpreters that work for companies. Interpreters can choose whether they want to work for themselves or not.