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Jesus chose His disciples to form the foundation of the church with Himself as the chief cornerstone.

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Q: How many disciples did Jesus choose from a church?
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disciples there were 12 In addition to the original 12 Disciples identified in the Gospels, all people through the centuries who have believed in Jesus or who believe now are called Christians. These followers of Jesus can also be called "the Church," "disciples," and "believers." The original 12 are also known as the Twelve Apostles or simply as "the Twelve."

How many disciplines doe Jesus have?

Jesus has/had 12 disciples.

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Jesus had 12 diciples.

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12 disciples

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Not just believe in Jesus as many Churches teach as Scripture says even the demons believe. But disciples are to be 'imitators' of Jesus as our perfect model.

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The New Testament was written by many people, not all disciples of Jesus.The New Testament was written by many people, not all disciples of Jesus.The New Testament was written by many people, not all disciples of Jesus.The New Testament was written by many people, not all disciples of Jesus.The New Testament was written by many people, not all disciples of Jesus.The New Testament was written by many people, not all disciples of Jesus.The New Testament was written by many people, not all disciples of Jesus.The New Testament was written by many people, not all disciples of Jesus.The New Testament was written by many people, not all disciples of Jesus.The New Testament was written by many people, not all disciples of Jesus.The New Testament was written by many people, not all disciples of Jesus.

Why don't people who say they are Christian follow the history and traditions of the church that started since Jesus came and passed onto his disciples?

Because not everyone is aware of the history and traditions of the church that Jesus established and passed on to His disciples. The Orthodox Church follows these traditions and teachings of Jesus and has done so ever since the year 33 AD. However, so many different Christian groups have set themselves up in recent centuries and have lost the history and traditions of the one true church that Jesus established 2,000 years ago. Jesus said, "I will build My church" (Matt: 16:18). The church is also the special place where God is worshipped and people can receive Holy Communion which is essential for eternal life (John 6:53-54). The Church is also necessary for our salvation: "the Lord added to the church daily those who were being saved" (Acts 2:47). Unfortunately, not many Christian groups follow the teachings of Jesus, and many of them have changed the traditions completely in recent times. The Orthodox Church has stood fast in the faith and preserved the traditions that were handed down by Jesus through His disciples. "Therefore, brethren, stand fast and hold the traditions which you were taught..." (2Thessalonians 2:15).