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Q: How many days is it after Jesus was crucified was Penecost day?
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How many days have passed since Jesus was crucified not years?

That question cannot be answered as the precise day he was crucified is not certain. The answer would change every day in any case.

How many days did it take after jesus's death did it take him ro resuracat?

Three. By tradition Jesus was crucified on Good Friday and rose from the dead on Easter Sunday.

What were Jesus Christ Accomplishments?

if you read the Gospel part of The Bible, it tells of many miracles of Jesus. He also is the son of God that was crucified on the cross to die for our sins, and ressurected 3 days later

How many people were crucified alone side jesus?

There were two robbers, who were crucified along with Jesus, one on each side.

Why do some people believe that Jesus was not crucified?

A:It is very possible that Jesus of Nazareth was crucified, after all the Romans crucified many thousands in first-century Palestine. Crucifixion was not uncommon and would not, by itself, make Jesus special. Jesus of Nazareth was not crucified if he did not exist, and there are many hypotheses as to the background of the Jesus story, including that the story was based around the second-century-BCE Teacher of Righteousness mentioned in the Dead Sea Scrolls or that the pre-gospel Jesus was purely spiritual, crucified in heaven (as various Near Eastern gods were).

Why is there a cross used in Christianity?

The cross is the symbol of Jesus Christ who was crucified on a cross and to many Christians it stands for eternal life because Jesus died on the cross but rose again 3 days later.

How many criminals were put to death with Jesus?

Two criminals were crucified with Jesus, one on his left and one on his right.

How many other people was with jesus when he was crusified?

Beside Jesus there were two robbers , who were also crucified one on each side.

What year was Jesus crucified by the Romans in Judea?

Many scholars believe it was in 32 A.D.

How many people were crucified alongside Jesus?

According the the Christian gospels, two other men were crucified with Jesus. These two men are variously described as thieves, criminals or rebels. Some fundamentalist Christians interpret the Gospels so that there were four men crucified with Jesus because of the different ways in which the men are described and because they take the Bible absolutely literally. So because one gospel says two "criminals" were crucified with Jesus and another says two "thieves" were crucified with Jesus there must have been four. Most people dismiss this and interpret the gospels more sensibly as there being only two other men crucified with Jesus.

Why was Saint Andrew crucified?

Saint Andrew, one of the Twelve Apostles, was crucified in Patras, Greece, on an X-shaped cross as he did not consider himself worthy to be crucified on the same type of cross as Jesus. Andrew preached Christianity until his death, and his martyrdom is celebrated in many Christian traditions.