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Eight days.

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Quinton Schimmel

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3y ago
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8y ago

According to Luke's Gospel (2:21) Jesus was taken from Bethlehem to Jerusalem after eight days for his circumcision. The family then peacefully returned to their home in Galilee, but returned to Jerusalem each year for the Passover.

Matthew's Gospel does not tell us when Jesus was circumcised. The family fled from Bethlehem to Egypt, to escape Herod's tyranny. After Herod's death, they planned to return to their home in Bethlehem, but instead fled to Galilee. Although they did not go to Jerusalem, they may have arranged for his circumcision elsewhere.

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13y ago

Jesus was circumcised eight days after birth, as Jewish law requires.

The Bible mentions Jesus' circumcision in Luke 2:21.

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13y ago

according to Jewish custom, all male children are circumcised at 8 days old

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13y ago

Jesus was Jewish, so he was circumcised at 8 days old.

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12y ago

The traditional time was 8 days after birth.

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14y ago

Eight days.

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Q: How many days after His birth was Jesus' circumcised?
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